
I read this article and thought, “What female person walking alone DOESN’T walk at a brisk pace, in determined manner?”

You know, I can respect that Muslim women are following their religion, and certainly respect that - and they should not face this stuff.

Every sane woman in the WORLD walks at a brisk pace holding on to their possessions closely when walking home late at night from the subway. The video is horrifying she must have been terrified.

I’m thinking a cafeteria lady could effectively have caught the baby.

I was taught to deal with a delivery in a basic EMT class, for god’s sake. (And over 10 years later, I still remember the key bits being 1) do not insert anything into the vagina and 2) catch).

I’m literally sitting in the recovery room after the birth of my second daughter reading this (I’m the dad, but still).

Right? Like, if someone’s idiot husband can get through that shit in the car on the side of the freeway, surely this nurse could have, you know, done her job correctly.

I am newly pregnant with our 1st (after years of trying) and this was exactly the kind of article I should be avoiding.

All it takes is another guy like this to take Trump’s rhetoric as seriously as Dear took the Planned Parenthood videos...

I think part of the problem is that raising kids is a team sport, and that clashes with American ideas about individualism.

This exists— it’s called foster care. (Yes, I get that what you’re describing would be for an hour or two, but a parent who stabs her children is someone who needs more than an hour away to be capable of caring for her children.)

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.

Yes, this is the part that I think really takes the cake (as if the rest of this shit cream monstrosity wasn’t bad enough). I had a fetus diagnosed with an incurable heart defect at 20 weeks. On the worst day of your life imagine being given three choices:

“Including ones that will likely lead to a miscarriage.” If I had to cherry pick, this is the worst part. How are they so hell-bent on punishing women by making them carry a terminal fetus until it can’t hang on anymore? God, and imagine if it was a wanted baby. How cruel.

it’s not just the burial issue, either.

So here is what I don't understand about the law. The product of an abortion, just like the blood and tissue from any other medical procedure, is a biohazard. Biohazards are properly disposed of by...wait for it...incineration. The cost of waste disposal is built into a procedure. Therefore, aborted fetuses are

I like your comment, particularly the first paragraph.

I have no desire to comment upon or guess about the health of the women pictured above. Frankly, they’re beautiful. That said, I’m still uncomfortable with the idea of a country that has experienced a rapid increase in average body size since the rise of processed foods and sugary beverages deciding that this is