
Hamm would be fine. I feel like if they could make John Rhys-Davies (6'1") dwarf-sized (4 foot nothing), we are living in a post-height world.

He already played Shazam once- in an animated adaptation, but he’s such a good choice, they should go for him in the live action. The adult version of Shazam should LITERALLY be played by Rob Lowe.

Some of it came out, but with the delays Valiant’s issues never sold or were written but couldn’t yet be released. It tanked stores who were counting on having product to order. A lot of the comics eventually did come out I believe, though I doubt they were ever collected.

I guess his lack of a direction is what makes him so inscrutible to me. It’s a job many would kill for and don’t have, and he has and seems like he’d rather be doing almost anything else.

Good god, I think we’ve uncovered the darkest timeline!

YES and then they sue Siegel and Shuster and banish them to the Phantom Zone!

As I said, I know the dude sucks, but he’s an enigma. At least the others have terrible explanations. DiDio is just a disaster.

If you want a really good story about the Image founders not being able to turn a book in on time, look up the Image/Valiant crossover that was supposed to happen in the 90s, Deathmate.

That could happen... or we could get that awesome issue where Smythe handcuffs Spidey to J Jonah Jameson! Or the more recent one where they are going to execute him, so he gives all the D-List villains cyborg-bug powers. A good director could do good things with the Smythe family.

Hence... Mysterio!

Fair enough, if that is your metric, then Larson beats the other dudes no problem.

My how times have changed. Now Marvel is doing a cynical, self-aware George Carlin routine, and DC is un-self-aware Andrew Dice Clay.

My Mysterio suggestion is due to the fact that Vulture sucks. There’s a couple of stock Spidey villains (the Crazy Scientist, the Animal Themed Thief, the Cold War Leftover) that Vulture is, and none of them really do it for me. Vulture should be a sidekick to a real villain, like Shocker or Stilt-Man.

Birdman is a strike against him IMO. A whole movie about how much he hates superhero roles? And it went beyond the part, listen to him in interviews surrounding the Oscars from that year. If he was acting the part, he’s fine, but if he disdains superhero movies so much, I’m sure we can find someone who likes the job an

Love Spidey + X-Men. It’s what we have to thank for this fabulous out-of-context panel:

So I’m all “yeah, I loathe them too!” “Calling DiDio a cancer is an insult to cancer, which is a naturally occuring malady with potential purpose in the cosmic scheme of things, which is more than anyone can say about the useless Dan DiDio” “Hell yeah, Johns won’t rest until he reverts all of the DCU to his childhood

It (Dark Reign) was a big, line-wide event. It naturally differed in tone. But that’s the beauty of comics, in one issue you can get the Sinister Six robbing a pet store, and in another they are selling guns to terrorists, and in another they are working with interdimensional vampires. Anyone who says any comics

I broadly agree with your points. Though I’m a bit leery of anyone who says that they are the ones who understand and are comfortable representing the crazy, black magick fueled thoughts of this guy:

Bob Harras. Editor-In-Chief for Marvel at the height of grimdark, and is the E-i-C at DC NOW. Jim Lee was an artist who cut his teeth on grimdark, and is now a DC executive. Dan DiDio... is actually inexplicable to me, but he sucks too.