Those are good burgers, Walter.
Those are good burgers, Walter.
Enough with the generational bigotry. Boomer, X, Y, Millennial- just another label. More excuses to target and blame an “other”.
? A little edgy maybe. Not too bad, seen worse openings. People are getting easily offended these days, taking many things too seriously.
A giant, sickening Fuck-bucket.
Enough of this BS!
Having immigration laws does not make one a racist. If a foreign national is in the US, in violation of immigration law, their status here is illegal.
Uh, yeah everything you just said in this article, is wrong.
As a man who believes that protecting women and children is inseparable from the self-definition, I apologize for all that women have suffered due to the species of men you describe. Believe me, we’re not all like that. Good men are out there; look carefully because they don’t usually attract as much attention.