
Idk, I’m not seeing it. I’ve always found faces to look really good in Frostbite, like as a high point in my memory going back to Battlefield Bad Company.

Really? I thought they looked amazing. Bear in mind they are showing you a Luke you haven’t actually seen in real life. It looks like a slightly older, post_RotJ Luke to me.

I found Del Meeko’s arc to be one of the best things in ANY Star Wars product (games, books, movies, etc.). His interactions with [SPOILER Major Character] were great and really showed how a random encounter can change someone’s outlook on life.

False dichotomy. Not buying the game punishes the developer who isn’t the one pushing the microtransactions. Buying the game but not purchasing any loot boxes shows the publisher that their loot box system doesn’t generate additional revenue.

I feel zero shame. I support Dice games. I don’t like loot boxes and won’t plunk money down on them. *shrugs*

Yeah, it has an arcade mode that has bots. Battlefront 1 also had it.

I’m buying the game for single player and bot modes. I can ignore loot crates and won’t buy them. The game can still be enjoyed, just don’t reward the predatory parts of it that ask for additional money.

“Gambling is good,” says local Casino owner.

Hmm, I actually find the DS4 to already be pretty darn tiny, on the verge of being nearly uncomfortable because it seems designed for smaller hands.

That’s kind of the main issue. He’s stuck and can’t really do anything to legally become a citizen. The law says he go back to his origin country (of which he doesn’t know at ALL, he was brought here when he was 1 yr old) and try to immigrate legally and apply for citizenship which will take literal years to process.

Also wanted to say thanks for this. I had interest in it but only as a solo player. I had a hunch it wouldn’t be very satisfying for single player content. It’s a shame because the mechanics look really cool.

You had me at Tron.

My understanding of it was somehow, apparently dragon bone marrow is literally holding up New York? They mentioned that they’ve done this before with Pompei and Chernobyl, that harvesting the immortal dragon goo makes the cities fall apart. But yeah, their master plan seemed to basically be just securing more goo to

Jessica Jones doing nothing? I thought she was the only redeemable part of the show because she was actually using her brain to try to figure out what was going on. She’s Luke Cage level strong but doesn’t really show it off until she has to (like holding up the elevator).

Glad to see it back with the original dev and a new publisher. Owners of original also get a 50% discount on Steam. Mud, here I come.

Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!Don’t die!

Yeah. I loved the first one but I just... can’t get behind this new style. I feel like it takes away from the rest of the game.