
I haven’t seen the movie yet but in the comics this newer version is basically like Thor (personality-wise). She’s a knucklehead jock who isn’t all that smart so she just punches stuff really hard. She’s SUPER powerful but might not always think of the best strategy to use her powers.

Congrats on necro’ing a 3 yr old post. You really owned me.


To those considering resigning;

It’s heavily inspired “in-verse” by the Drake Dragonfly (a space hoverbike). This is a larger salvage ship by Drake Interplanetary and all the ship companies in Star Citizen tend to have a specific aesthetic.

YES. I absolutely LOATHE this. It makes me feel like my reaction times are too slow to read the title of movies / shows before the trailer starts to autoplay.

Oh you sweet summer child... thinking the world will exist long enough to have grandchildren.

I’m currently re-watching and Sisko even mentions that the Borg threat didn’t grow the way they though it would, which is why he gets the Defiant. It was originally a new class of ship to fight the Borg. I’m hazy on all the timeline changes but I wonder if it’s because of the First Contact movie? The Borg Queen is

I’m sure it’ll be a label that is easy to notice too...

Yeah, and they’d end up roaming along the bottom of oceans and come up on shore in unforeseen places. There was a particularly creepy part where a Submarine kept hearing odd noises and finally figured out that it was the zombies scratching their hull. *shudders*