
I would presume it would be celebrity guests playing games. Each one would be someone different who has no idea about games.

As others have noted, single player is GREAT. I really enjoyed single player but I WILL say that as an older guy, the mp can be overwhelming. It’s ..... REALLY fast and sometimes I can’t keep up with what’s going on.

I imagine a WookieMorph would be a thing of true terror since Wookies are so strong and considered incredibly difficult to kill.

I feel like Nintendo always does this. It’s a tried and true old toy manufacturer sales tactic. I have yet to see a NES Classic. I sort of wanted one but just gave up on it.

You’re talking about older games though. New EA games don’t go to Steam because they have their own distribution method, Origin. They won’t put new games over there because they are losing money by giving Steam a cut. It sucks if you want everything on Steam, but that’s how it is.

I don’t think that’ll ever happen. Same with Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and Battlefield.

Yeah... the tone of that video.


I just couldn’t get over how he “coded” with his controller and an original Xbox that somehow just kept magically resaving his new game on the CD-Rom to which he had NO OTHER BACKUPS.

Riley is good as a serious actor too. He was solid in Gangs of New York.

If Hollywood has shown us ONE thing, it’s that they totally GET gamers.

so a full three-sensor Oculus Touch setup will run you $850 

No, sentiment I’ve gathered is most are expecting Last Guardian to flop or don’t even know the previous games. Every article I’ve seen on it always has comments akin to “what’s the big deal about this game again? I don’t get it?” I’m excited for it but I don’t think it’s going to be a gigantic AAA mega blockbuster hit.

It’s not attaching higher meaning, it’s just... disrespectful and tacky to what should have been a sincere moment. You don’t bookend someone giving a eulogy with trumpets and balloons, ya know?

Hah, yeah, that’s my only memory of it. I know I watched it because I remember it but I forgot it followed the old morning cartoons.