
If you went to one bar and those beers were twice as much as all the other bars wouldn’t that cause you a slight pause? That’s where I’m coming from. This is more than games of this type. I’ve said repeatedly that they can charge whatever they would like and obviously plenty of people see the value in it.

The only point I was ever making was that to me the game seems more expensive than others of its sort. As far as fibbing to make a point... I can’t defend or contradict what I’m not familiar with. I’ve never heard of Shantae games. I’m going by what I’ve seen and played and purchased on PC within the 2D pixelgraphics

Didn’t say that at all but... ok?

No, I’m speaking only for myself. I feel like I’ve missed something about this because I haven’t followed it and saw it was released and was very confused why the price was so high. I’m just not seeing it. That’s all I meant. They obviously can charge whatever they would like and clearly people are paying what they

It’s entirely subjective because to me it looks like any other 2D pixel-art game and the movement / gameplay doesn’t look smooth or unique in any way (to me). 10 hrs is nice and more than games of this ilk though I’ve read many reviews that say it’s very easy. So yeah, I get that people are passionate about it, it’s

Yeah, my first few tries it actually timed out and created an empty match with just me. Conquest has been the only mode I immediately get into. Even Domination has a wait sometimes.

Similar games of this design and style is my main criteria which was why I was initially shocked at the asking price.

Which is totally everyone’s prerogative. I paid $65 for Spintires and backed it on Kickstarter.

I think the answer is, because it’s the internet. :)

I’m old, cheap, and petty. *shrugs*

I know it may be petty but I just can’t get over the price on this. It looks cute and quaint but that price tag keeps me from picking it up right now.

Depends on system. On PC I’ve had troubles finding a match in Operations. Conquest is usually the most played type.

I like it but it feels much more empty than Titanfall 1 did to me. Maybe it’s the map design, idk. I feel like even with AI in the matches I don’t see them a lot or their spawns are more spread out in small pockets.

I think they cut the AI WAY down which disappoints me also. I liked a bunch of grunts running all over the place. It made the pilots feel more badass like how the Marines regard Master Chief in Halo. Hell, even the marketing for Titanfall 2 makes a big deal about how badass and special the pilots are but in mp you

I SO WISH we got a PC Condemned 2 port. That game was amazing.

Yeah, no more memory restrictions that crash the game. I saw just a little snippet of a guy explaining it and to show possibilities he spawned in 2000 objects and Fus Ro’d them and the game doesn’t crash.

Main difference is that it’s now a 64 bit engine so it’ll open up a lot more possibilities for new mods.