
I don’t know about Helen Mirren, but I’m pretty sure Tom Hanks could suck the fun out of pretty much anything.

Also, does anyone remember Kathy Griffith’s story about him “jokingly” ripping her shirt off at an event (because he thought she was going to make fun of him)? I remember her describing the incident years ago and it made me believe that he could be a nasty piece of work now.

Helen Mirren and Tom Hanks’s New Years Rockin’ Eve

The re-animation of Dick Clark’s corpse will commence in 3...2...1...

I agree.

Eh. People like him desperately need approval and access to others more famous than themselves. Money definitely isn’t enough to make him happy.

I bet he’s crying all the way to the bank.

I feel like it has to be Shangela. Maybe Trixie—but Shangela’s persona as a drag queen has developed with Drag Race, whereas Trixie has been largely defined by how she excels outside of Drag Race.

Call me a jerk or a sheep, but I’d already been spoiled on DeLa leaving and Morgan coming back by scuttlebutt on YouTube, so to me it was just a matter of watching how it played out. I didn’t expect a lot of drama coming from Chi Chi, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Remember, please, that RuPaul hasn’t handled his own hair, makeup, or wardrobe since he met Mathu and Zaldy. Any hair concerns should be directed to Delta Work, and makeup concerns should be directed to Raven.

Random ‘pinions, and a lot of ‘em for a gag-dense episode!

I do think people tend to assume that people who compete at things must be confrontational by nature. BenDeLa’s lack of comfort with confrontation seems genuine and frankly, the bitterness in this season hasn’t been /that/ fun to watch. When they were all just yelling at each other this episode when the old queens

Dela was losing steam and probably figured it was the best chance to go out on her own terms. I don’t think she was thinking ‘everyone will think it’s my win really.” We saw in her original season, she doesn’t like confrontation and this season has been SUPER confrontational.

Ru Paul in drag needs to pump up her look it’s always the same siloute and hair. I actually think he looks better out of drag his suits are interesting.

I mean I hate Season 9 more than probably anyone but even at its worst I think it’s better than a vehicle towards YouTube shows, which are pretty much gone now thanks to Wow+.

If Trixie is indeed the winner than we will revisit this conversation (unless she’s like luminously brilliant in the last two episodes, which is possible I guess). But right now I think the biggest conspiracy is how DeLa got the white-out.

I have so many feelings about this that it’s probably going to take a few days to process. So consider these thoughts even more in-flux than usual:

Kudos to Ben for showing up Rupaul a little bit.

Meh. That’s a little disingenuous.

The newsworthiness of OJ were the things beyond his football career.

If OJ had been shot down in the middle of filming a commercial in the ‘70s as part of the under-reported Avis/Hertz Rental Car Wars, it would be more apt.

The commercials ruined this for me.