
What no one's reporting is that he had invited several BBC execs over for tea at the time the demolition took place.

The reason I wouldn’t consider buying one is that I’m too poor to afford it.

Yeah but it has neither a mounted gun, nor can it jump off a cliff into the back of a shuttle craft.

I’d drive one.

Now he can engineer a prison breakout.

thanks for reminding me that Stargate is over and isn’t likely to get another series after universe tanked (because it spent too much time setting up back story and too many filler episodes) right as it was starting to get interesting and syfy basically cut the legs off atlantis and just gave it an abrupt “and then we

Afterwards when NASA refused to give the planes back and sent the message “finders keepers” to the USAF, that’s when the problems began.

sometimes one must first be part of the problem, in order to become part of the solution.

Any publicity is good publicity. Part of my point was that they’ve made so many posts in such a short amount of time, going over all the features and specs etc. But they never did this for any of the other phones that came out recently. Not a single post.

To make a point that they were making too many iphone posts, and needed to change their content delivery. As I stated, every now and then is fine. I didn’t even comment on the first couple articles, only after it became a dead horse being beaten did I speak up.

When Vegas gets an NFL team. Fuck you.

Not really. And they’ve pushed a multitude of apple iPhone posts in the last day and a half.

Why are you so keen to defend their apple advertising? Seriously.

Swappable battery packs would be amazing and have genuine real world application.

That’s not telling you not to buy it. That’s just telling you you have options. Like a running driving car on Craigslist that is probably a scam because no one sells them that cheap. Or other phones that they never say what they are or any info at all.

Looks like a stretched audi tt with the roof off.

I didn’t see any “don’t buy this article”. Except tthe one about the note 7 exploding in a guys car.

Then maybe a car blog isn’t the place to look for that info. How about Gizmodo?

They’ve made no less than 3 posts hyping the new iPhone on the front page since Wednesday morning.

I offered them $3.50 for it.