Don't host an orgy on the hood of your car.
Mmmmmmmm yes.. Gp-03
Dale really did the dew harder than initially thought.
Lol would rent. Love that show. All hail gilfoyle (sp?)
Old people don’t know money isn’t worth as much as it used to be. They still think you can go to the movies and buy snacks and drinks for under a fiver.
If they took the engine, it’s no longer a numbers matching car and is worthless.
The Mustang is a villain. Or it was.
I kinda want some push bars for my Mustang.
Tonight on Already Ran, Justin Westbrook shows us his best attempt.
Porsh-uh to porsh
None of this would have happened if a German U-boat had toepedo’d him as soon as he tried to leave the harbor.
Thank God you didn’t say take naps. Then I’d be a jerk. Dodged a bullet there.
Zuckerberg is just mad that Elon won’t give him a seat on any of his moonraker shuttles before he destroys the planet.
But sometimes if they value is good enough people are willing to spend a little more or make arrangements for that. Telling him if he can spend just a little more and get alot of car that’s still covered under factory warranty versus a 15 year old car that you don’t have a history on is reasonable education of…
He could always negotiate the price down. You know there's at least 4,000 - 5,000 margin on dealer list price for a used sports car.
This guy and his garage were on an episode of car matchmaker with spike feresten a while back.
$15,9xx for a 2015 manual v6. Still good for 300 hp. Could probably ttalk them down a little and just get a loan for the remaining over the next couple years and have really low payments.
2015+ Mustang.
Pffttt he can just drive it down to most aftermarket shops and get some new lambo door hinges for like $2000.