
The depreciation curve will be steep 9n these.

Look like cars for background racers for a live action speed racer movie.

remember, the trees are growing nearly straight up and down with maybe a few degrees of variance, if you use that as your base since there is trees left, right, and in the distance of varying heights and distance from the ramp, you can pretty easily tell that the ramp isn’t flat, nor is it straight up, but does have a

Only the weak ones.

I want one. I don’t have money for one. I guess it's the car theft life for me.

I don’t know how train engines work. It was just the only diesel hybrid type technology that I know of in mass use.

There's not even any pictures on your post you click bait scam artist!

Maybe it’s just not been done right yet. With all the new systems in place, regenerative braking, etc,. I’m sure someone could design an efficient diesel electric system akin to the gas electric system in a proud for example.

I see no ghosts in that town. Shitty click bait article. Pffttt

Danica should have to race in nothing but a bikini!

If nothing else, the truck is at least cool looking and they could put a diesel in it and have a cool looking truck.

Strip out all the crap, throw a brush guard on it and a lift kit and some giant tires. Go muddin

Morning shift - August 31, 2016

Will.i.scam is the best auto designer ever, you all wish you had the chops he’s got.

wat had hapen was, dem dere mesicans, dey gubmint aint gib dem da gud wata, inly da bad wata, an da bad wata gone gib dems da sikens.

Omfg are all these idiots the gawker refugees? That makes alot of sense. Why couldn’t they just go to jezebel and ruin that. Why tthey gotta come here?

Water isn’t a race. That’s not racism. Again you are confusing a logistical fact about a country with racism. There was nothing in my post that in any way slanders or speaks ill of the Mexican people. I’m sure plenty of them know that the tap water may not be safe to drink either and needs to be boiled or treated

Yes true and I did elaborate and say that but in the southwest US a lot just go straight across the border within hours of being taken before they are reported stolen. It’s fast and convenient and is a logistically good way to get rid of your ill-gotten booty before being caught. In the north east or north west I

And when I pointed out last week that many stolen cars in the southwest go across the border to Mexico without saying anything about the thieves themselves, I got called a racist, right here in these comments and yet here’s an article that confirms what I said, stolen cars in the southwest US get taken to Mexico.