
@muledogus: As a father of a two year-old, I can assure you that you do not want something like this as your primary monitor. You want a monitor that is on and audible the entire time the baby is sleeping (at night and during naps). Unless you have an extra iDevice sitting around that you want to dedicate 100% to

I'd add Infinifolders to the list. It's a $2 app that allows you to add as many apps to an iOS 4 folder as you'd like, rather than the current 12-app limit. Much better than the former solution, Categories.

For anyone who thinks Facetime and MMS are still working after they did this jailbreak, try a reboot and see if they're still there. That's what made them disappear on my iPhone 4 on 4.0.1. Hopefully there'll be an easy fix soon, as it sure is nice having SBSettings and LockCalendar back.

Holy Moly! So stoked to finally have my iPhone 4 jailbroken, if only to have SBSettings back. (And lockcalendar once I confirm it's working). I remember when the first GeoHot break came along and I couldn't believe how much easier it was than when you had to deal with all the ispw/DFU silliness. Just having to

I'll be returning my recently purchased Kindle (which I love!) for this bad boy! What makes folks think that the WiFi model won't be able to sync with Whispernet? Shouldn't WiFi allow you to hit the same Amazon servers?........

I’m all for holding executives and companies responsible, but the guy writing these letters to Jobs is nuts.

Any concerned owners should read the full anandtech antenna section. You'll be a lot less concerned once you read it, although you might be pissed that it reinforces the fact that Apple is forcing you to buy a case.

@Aklost: Yep. The real story is why Apple cheaped out and only put 256MB in the iPad. It’s painfully apparent when using Safari and opening multiple pages. If you have more than a couple open, each time you switch back and forth, pages need to refresh.