
Brown 2 would have been a shitty album.  

Yeah, I agree. I got a good laugh from this tape (and honestly, it was pretty refreshing hearing this blank-slate First Lady drop F-bombs), but I could easily imagine Michelle Obama privately saying the same things about Christmas decorations. There wasn’t anything particularly “Grinch-like” about it.

More like Helen Deady.

Yes, it’s extremely edgy to stop caring about children’s books as an adult.

So, let me get this straight: Ellen gets called on the table with a list of grievances from staff past and present. After soul-searching and contrition, she makes what can be construed as positive changes in the compensation/benefits packages, adds a 3rd party independent HR rep for airing of any future grievances.

Is Hillary just going to spend the rest of her life passive-aggressively bitching about Donald Trump denying her ’rightful coronation’ like she wasn’t the one who managed to lose against Donald-fucking-Trump?

Who alive today has actually heard any of the racist alternate versions of the song? Maybe some folklorists.

Asked women unprofessional and uncomfortable questions 30 years ago?

Wait, is Dave Chappelle allowed to be friends with people the AV Club isn't friends with?

...and this is why people will vote for Trump. Don’t people realize this by now? All this humorless, scolding, petty bullshit will put him back in office pronto. 

It’s creepy to me how much modern Leftists are beginning to resemble pearl-clutching ‘90s-era conservatives that thought the corrupting influence of Mortal Kombat and Marilyn Manson were to blame for society’s ills, and that censorship is the answer. Remember way back when the left-wing used to actually be cool?

Not uniquely.  AV Club seems to find another five or so every week.

Wow these all sound uniquely awful. 

Yeah man, public schools are useless and have no benefits for kids.  It doesn’t matter one way or the other whether kids go or not.  That sure is a take, alright.

Yeah, but if your whole angle is “this dude is sexist” you might want to at least open their Wikipedia page.

Jesus Christ man. Yes reopening schools is a gravely bad idea but there are good reasons for people to want them open whether it being worried about kids losing out on education to just needing to go to work to pay for food and have nowhere to put their kids.

I’m convinced! You are an ignorant dipshit!

Wow. That’s astonishingly shoddy journalism. Holy shit.

Um, Curtis Sittenfeld is a woman.

Gonna be frank... OF COURSE it’s a white girl moaning on about how Trader Joe’s is racist.