
To be fair, if anyone tried to tell me the phrase ‘spirit animal’ is “cultural appropriation” I’d probably yell at them, myself. 

Yes, it seems that a black man dealing in horrific Antisemitism is acceptable for the AVClub staff. Disgusting.

Lol this is fucking ridiculous. It wasn’t like he made a Howard Cosell-style flub; he had a whole-ass thesis. He knew exactly what he was saying. You don’t suddenly not become anti-Semitic in the space of 24 hours. He needs to go work in a library or something, not host a national TV show.

It’s interesting to me to watch how AV Club writers handle these sorts of things. Usually for this kind of deal, I’d expect them to go all in on how terrible and indefensible Cannon and his statements were, linking back to their last three thinkpieces already on the subject, and tearing into the Masked Singer for not

that’s the thing, you’re not “calling out racism and sexism” you’re baselessly accusing people of it because you’re a bully and a troll. You don’t “merely mention oppression”, you baselessly accuse others of it because you’re a bully and a troll.

Boy you sure sound insensitive and oblivious

Well, that’s not true on any level. 

Are you comparing yourself being disliked for being an insufferable asshole to people ostracized for race, sexual preference, or religion? How dare you. You should be ashamed. You sound like am alt-right chode: “people not liking my opinion are just like the Nazis!”

Oh. That’s not why we don’t like you.

The difference is that Dr. Emilio Lizardo is a well-respected commenter on here that we actually likeOn the other hand, there’s really nothing that an “impostor” Recognitions could say that could possibly make him any shittier than the real one. Hell, this one might even end up being an improvement!

I don’t like this guy’s politics so I’m glad he’s dead” says quite a bit about you as well.

The backlash against J.K. Rowling, who has literally done more for the social good than any of the people attacking her, is insane, and I do not believe for a second that it’s motivated by anything more than whatever impulse causes bullying, shaming, and witch-hunt behaviour. 

Is it sad for you that your only source of joy in the world is watching people you don’t know get accused of things? It must be sad. I think I would be sad.

love the lack of detail. what a substantial article.

Someone has to be the worst writer on a site full of shit. 

Barsanti’s motto: “It doesn’t need to be true, it just needs to be inflammatory.”

But then you added this needless bit of misspelled nonsensical nothing -

People don’t consider context at all anymore. So you can have a show that is completely presenting a subject in the worst possible light—completely denouncing it and showing how it is offensive—but the show will be dragged for even bringing up the subject at all.

With all due sympathy for people who’ve experienced prejudice or trauma, I think we need a discussion about how far it’s appropriate to go in the name of not triggering people.

Sam Harris is a liberal who mostly talks to other liberals. I stopped listening to his podcast, but I just checked to see if there had been a change and nope. Of the last 10 guests, it’s all liberals or non-political guests.