
He’s on point about Trump hysteria. Not much of substance is heard from either side of the political spectrum (and their corresponding media echo chambers). I am hopeful he gets the boot in the next go round but it seems less than a sure thing. That said, whoever takes his place is going to suffer the amped-up,

Actually,  I bet a decent number of CMT viewers know the movie is mocking them.  Satirical humor is often most embraced by the audience that it is making fun of.  

The more people come in and post dumb comments about it, the less I am to actually check it out.

It’s nice to know that even in the zombie apocalypse, the South still completely loses its shit in a snowstorm.

This is actually a good representation of Frank Hamer. He’s my great grandfather, and this movie is something my family has been waiting for since the Bonnie and Clyde movide came out. The writer, John Fusco, worked 15 years on the screenplay for the movie, working with my family. Unfortunately, between the time he

Hey, are you ever going to apologize for claiming that people who disagreed with you are rapists?

I bet you wouldn’t be posting this if the headline was ‘all sexual assault charges against Jussie Smollett have been dropped’. Just a feeling I have. 

Red machete? Hmm.

Over the next few years it’s going to be my profound joy to watch all your woke heroes turn out to be huge d-bags.

Heh.  “Broad.”  

Which accomplishes nothing but making yourself feel better. Valid questions need not be met with desperately useless demands of sympathy.

Oh thank god, it’s been almost 3 hours since I had an excuse to pretend to be be OUTRAGED.

He’s an elderly white man, but he’s also a famously gay man, which messes with the outrage-industrial complex’s targeting systems.

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

Jimmy Fallon does a consistently excellent show. He’s the most musically talented late-night host since Steve Allen. His encyclopedic knowledge of pop culture allows him to make wonderful references to music, comedy, and movies, sometimes for the kiddies, and sometimes for the adults. And his banter with Steve Higgins

The actual quote shows a lot more self-awareness than the fake one.

I respect AA Dowd quite a bit but I respeectfully highly disagree with quite a bit of this article:
I’d like to submit my response here in the form of essays I’ve published as I’ve already rehashed several of these points:
Movie criticism as identity politics platform:

It’s easy to figure things out when you’re not preoccupied with douchy virtue signalling.

“I thought we had moved past good movies about compelling characters. Don’t they know it’s all about virtue signalling and token minority quotas. Who cares about story and character?”

progressives eat their own - delicious