
Angels from shit-hole countries?

The worst thing is a good percentage of the population laps it up and believes in this nonsense. And have been allowed to vote for Trump. 

Wow, and the rest of the world wonders why America is in such a state.

Does this mean my Pam/Bus-girl slashfiction is now set in a coma?

Great premiere and that was it. The rest of it was boring and predictable. Half a season searching for a girl we already knew was already a walker and in that barn. 1 more half season of bad cgi and plodding stories and i was done along with mostly everyone else i knew. .

This was just a complete turd of an idea. Batman’s been fighting the guy for decades yet hadn’t noticed it was 3 different people?

In the immortal words of Admiral Ackbar “It’s a trap!!” that takes until the birth of his children for him to eventually escape. 

He’s also currently the school principal in The Goldbergs. 

Yeah but what does she think about Forest Law?

There was no Level 3 to Level 7 warp zone as far as i can remember?

From the people who brought you -

I still can hardly believe the voice of Fred was also the voice of Megatron.

This is what Matthew Lillard will be remembered for. None of his own roles, just copying Casey Kasem’s iconic voice work.

Dr Noonian Soong created the androids who will eventually call forth or become a Destroyer.

You make it so he’s taking the piss out of humanity by appearing to age as they do. You make it a part of a joke on Picard as Q is known to do.

PB+J back together.

Self-isolation!! By ones self, not having guests in each day.

After Unspeakable Train Abomination Gary i really don’t think we should!!

Take the Ewoks and C-3PO out of Return and its all good stuff. 

Who knew we’d all been feminists without even realising it?