
I personally don't remember, but I'm of the philosophical inclination that anyone who recognizes and feels contrition for a wrong ought to be forgiven for it.

Can't speak for Menard, but I am absolutely not underestimating that at all. Trump's policies as proposed are insane, and those don't even count the crazier promises on the campaign trail. But none of those are real yet, or even imminent.

Ha. I think I just made the exact opposite argument for why optimism is realistic. I'd be interested to know why you think pessimism is necessarily realistic here.

I get your anger, but it's really misplaced. Optimism isn't about having or not acknowledging privilege. I know from personal experience you can be in the middle of the worst shit and still maintain a sense of optimism. Granted, optimism is sometimes all you have, but it's still a good deal better than going idle out

She has to pass it, too, with a B or higher.

I have a slightly different anecdote and perspective I would like to share on this. Mine's also a bit rambling and schmaltzy, but there's a point if you can make it to the end.

I don't think he's saying that. I think the issue is the simplistic idea that "hard work" = financial success. I suppose it could, but generally the two have little to do with each other.

Serial Mom is perfect as is. No remakes necessary.

The capitalist elements sounds . . . annoying. But it's Annie, so what did we expect?

I'm not saying each and every sketch, taken by itself, was high art. (Some of it, by today's standards, is also homophobic and pretty offensive.) But look at the things he was joking about, and how he joked about them. Chappelle's racial and cultural humor was revolutionary and hasn't been successfully duplicated

The show was genius, but way too far ahead if its time (even ahead of now, really). Chappelle consistently gave us sophisticated humor about some very sensitive subjects that often got reduced to broad stereotypes by white college kids who didn't really grasp the material.

I agree with this. The man and his church were vile, but I really can't help but feel sorry for them. What ridiculous, cartoonish people they became. I personally like to think that death is not an eternal reckoning for the shitty things one does in a limited period of time, so much as it is a realization that the

Looks like they were drawn in.

He's also done some memorable TV.

Yeah it does. Boy, one has to be really watchful against that. Of all the myriad roads to becoming an asshole, that one is the most direct.

"@dancing_mad:disqus . . . add to spy list . . . ok, run along now."

Well, I'm sure this won't be offensive or exploitative in any way.

No Barbara Hershey?  Lame.

Agreed that Sampat is by far the worst-written character on the show. (Please note, though, that I don't think that makes the show racist. It just makes part of it stupid.)

Agreed that Sampat is by far the worst-written character on the show. (Please note, though, that I don't think that makes the show racist. It just makes part of it stupid.)