Ralph Waldo Emerson

I know. But yet no Passat wagon for the US anymore. So you basically top-out in reasonably priced wagons at "mid-size." A jetta wagon is what, $21k? The next bigger wagons are all luxury cars (Mercedes, Cadillac). There are literally no options new for a full-size wagon in the states for under $40k (unless you

A lot of people like these but since I refuse to buy an automatic, it never was a real option for me.

This was being considered but, having had an STI hatch and 92-X Aero, if I went car I wanted a stick (which the jettas have if you can find one) and rwd or awd. I considered the Golf R20 but since it wasn't appreciably better than my Protege5 in utility or size, there was no justification. At least the Xterra is a

Still only seated 5 though. Also no manual transmission.

While I love the V-Wagon, I think in order for wagons to make a true comeback we need to see them in the lower end of the market too. There is no more Legacy wagon, nor wagons from Ford, Chevy, Dodge, etc. The only options are luxury brands (BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, Cadillac). Lower end buyers could get used to a

Hmmm...I have an 03 P5 with 196k miles, 80k of them in Michigan, 60k in Connecticut, and the rest in Virginia and Oregon, I have a small amount of rust where the ground effects connect, and a little over the rear wheel arches where I rolled them without heating the paint and cracked it. This is nuts though.

Hercules! Hercules! Hercules!

If memory serves me correctly, someone is working on a "liquid battery" which can be swapped from a vehicle at the pump. So discharged "fuel" is removed, and charged is pumped in. The discharged fuel can then be re-charged on site or taken to a plant for recharging. I think that a system like that will be the real

Trolling. Gotcha.

Not sure if trolling, or just dumb. By your logic that you contribute a negligible amount of pollution, if I pass your house and throw out a cigarette butt on your lawn, it's no big deal; big space, little litter. But if every 10th car that passes by does the same, then what happens? Your yard starts to look like

And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you squeeze the douche.

Like a good Catholic girl, of course it goes both ways.

Of course. If you're speeding in a mini-van with 5 brats on-board, than you get a bigger fine. And yes, I am the owner of 2 brats of my own.

I'm going to partially agree with you duurtlang. Instead of limiting those vehicles though (taking away FREEDOM!), speeding tickets should increase based on curb-weight and number of passengers. So the 7000lb F350 dually weighs 2.5 times a normal car, and so speeding tickets cost 2.5x more. Add an additional

How is it that the driver recording this has no reaction? You can hear the radio in the video but not a peep from the driver during this ridiculousness. Weird.

Keep an eye out for this guy:

That's exactly why. "Family Planning" is much, much cheaper than the birth and 18+ years of coverage for a child. That's why birth control is commonly paid for women. It's risk mitigation that makes financial sense for the insurer. As for the LASIK, they don't pay for it because it's expensive, and they aren't

Literary license admittedly taken, but it is very commonly covered (coming from someone in the industry).

Hmmmm. All insurance companies cover nipping the buds, so I'm calling BS. Unless of course he's one of those uninsured 20+ million out there. But really, what are the odds that the owner of a fine '55 Packard on blocks doesn't have insurance?

I agree partially with your hope to have different speed limits for larger vehicles, but instead of that, why not a higher fine for speeders in bigger vehicles? As a general rule, the bigger the vehicle the longer stopping distance and less stable it is at speed. Also, I think that there should be a surcharge for