
Pat Benatar.

"Onion rings are vegetable donuts" not "Onion rings are the donuts of food" (which makes no sense). It's literally the first thing he says. How could you screw that up?

I find it very interesting that these issues only appear during Martha episodes. After all, no traveler from our time to the past is going to fit in. Their clothes will be so foreign as to seem insane, as would their hair styles, the smell of their breath and body, and their healthy complexions. Plus any female

Euros Lyn has also directed "Girl in the Fireplace" and "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead," as well as Torchwood: Children of Earth and Broadchurch. Let's not be blaming these episodes on the director.

So, we've got Fifth Doctor references, and Sherlock references, but no one has yet mentioned the Frankenstein references: the Doctor as "the monster" being taken care of by a blind girl, his Frankenstein's monster impression while chained up, and Clara's emergence as the Bride of Frankenstein.

I used to fantasize that the show ended when, after being shat on by House one time too many, Robert Sean Leonard goes nuts.  Final scene: Wilson walking out the front door, dressed as the Joker (or as Puck from Dead Poets Society, take your pick), laughing manically, as the hospital explodes behind him, killing every