Fabian Knockwurst

The information necessary to impeach trump is already in the public domain. As for information that “helps impeach trump” one might be best served by looking for blackmail info against paul ryan, as well as other house republicans. They’re the reason that trump isn’t impeached, and not that trump himself hasn’t

Fascinating article, thank you. Now can we consider having cars with running back-lights which are green when the brake is not applied? It’s understood that it’s a historical technical convenience to have normally low-red then high-red when the brakes are applied; but we’re now sufficiently technologically adept that

A list of ESPN main sponsors would be especially informative at this juncture.

“This statue in the park should be pulled down because this guy was actually a scum!” So here’s some cheap overwrought philosophy in the posted case and the statue case: focus on the main achievement and goals of the celebrated individual when contemplating their legacy.

Albeit there is a long-standing bit of male chauvinism lurking here (yes, i realize the poster is female, but it’s too often that female male-chauvinism is given a pass), namely: old male politicians are seldom pressured to retire due to their age, whereas the moment a female politician gets to the end of her

Already committed to dessert we accept nothing which is a “sure bet” (a ‘sure bert’ being ever-so-much more familiar)

Some activist ought to aim a DDT, agent-orange, radium pie at his guilty of innumerable deaths face. (as those banned substances may work on his sensibilities)

Suggesting Georgie found scantily clad baristas in Seattle while having done so by a traveling some 28 miles away to the town of Everett is a bit like accusing Baltimore of being the same as Washington D.C. But mostly this journey to the rustic wild west allowed Mr Will to regain some of his conservative cred (in the

The very best kindle version of all was the “Kindle DX”. why oh why did they discontinue it? if one must deal with full-page pdfs it could not be beat. (“yeah, but only frinky nerdy geeks ever have to do that and you’re no market share at all”)

The very best kindle version of all was the “Kindle DX”. why oh why did they discontinue it? if one must deal with

Next up: how to spot fake conspiracy theories after the fake truth of the matter has been established in the fake media. (“multiple sources tells me that jet fuel can’t steal melted beams!”)

The word “cut” ought to be in any discussion of the republican “tax cut plan”; and certainly not “reform”. Any tax “reform” would carry with it the expectation of budget neutrality, and everything the republicans are pursuing would result in a huge increase in the budget deficient, (with all the value shifted to the

It was impressive in as much as i didn’t believe i could become even more depressed about trump-voters — Oprah sure showed me (“NASA is working hard on that Golgafrinchanian Ark, yes?”)

Desperately needs a link to Dan Ackroyd’s immortal Irwin Mainway’s “Bag o’ Glass” sketch. But dammit, all the likely links are firewalled - oh maybe here.

All this vagarity and no shout out for when Prince Harry really did go Nazi? (“and remember that time when he got into the chamber of secrets and found that chest which tied Prince Albert Victor to being Jack the Ripper?”)

Might want to s/infinity.box/infinity.cube/i in your headline etc; because googling “infinity box” will take you ..elsewhere. And here’s a video promo which will give you more of a feel of how the thing’s action goes. (“just some old Capt Queeg balls for me”)

Might want to s/infinity.box/infinity.cube/i in your headline etc; because googling “infinity box” will take you

Are any of these mad dashes to autonomous vehicles reserving a few billion for the phalanx of lawyers against the first, second, and, (especially), third lawsuits “caused” by these vehicles? Because there is no way that someone won’t sue the deepest pockets when one of these things starts a left turn and doesn’t

So at what percentage of “bluebook” would a hurricane’d car start to look like a decent buy? or is it just a deal-breaker at any price? (“ok pal’ly, this Audi 2016 R8 went through Irma and i’m offer’n it for $666")

ESPN ought to know that a great many of us would be more likely to watch ESPN and look favorably upon their sponsors if they supported this host and her statement of simple truths. If they instead take the cowardly corporate approach and censor/censure her then quite the opposite will result. Inform them of that for

This is an Important post! might be a bit more valid to give distance in distances rather than time however (“that way don’t have to consider if this an journey on a wednesday after in 4pm in seattle indicated by red dot for gridlock”)

“Worldwide Speakers Group” must be watched very carefully that they don’t promote their newest acquisition using video clips of Melissa McCarthy (a notably far more dynamic speaker)