Rick and Morty fans (what’s their fandom name? If they don’t have one, I have a proposal: Morticians.)
Rick and Morty fans (what’s their fandom name? If they don’t have one, I have a proposal: Morticians.)
“It is nearly impossible to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it” —Upton Sinclair
Is there any rationale to how programs are programmed? If so, one must presume that it hasn’t anything to do with preserving viewership. (“i’ve forgot, is Arthur’s step father Die Fledermaus?”)
Suggesting Georgie found scantily clad baristas in Seattle while having done so by a traveling some 28 miles away to the town of Everett is a bit like accusing Baltimore of being the same as Washington D.C. But mostly this journey to the rustic wild west allowed Mr Will to regain some of his conservative cred (in the…
So newly thawing relations between the U.S. and Cuba have been halted or reversed. Can we think of no relatively large third parties who would consider this a benefit? (“...you mean any which aren’t stroking a white cat in their laps?”)
Does anyone really believe these ads failed to change a single vote? And if you doubt this and yet haven’t personally reviewed these Russian ads you must be admired for your blind faith in your fellow Americans. Tediously it must be repeated: trump won by only 77,000 electoral votes in three special states; he lost…
The very best kindle version of all was the “Kindle DX”. why oh why did they discontinue it? if one must deal with full-page pdfs it could not be beat. (“yeah, but only frinky nerdy geeks ever have to do that and you’re no market share at all”)
The very best kindle version of all was the “Kindle DX”. why oh why did they discontinue it? if one must deal with…
Next up: how to spot fake conspiracy theories after the fake truth of the matter has been established in the fake media. (“multiple sources tells me that jet fuel can’t steal melted beams!”)
Somehow notable that a raccoons’ signature bandit mask is also somewhat skin deep.
The word “cut” ought to be in any discussion of the republican “tax cut plan”; and certainly not “reform”. Any tax “reform” would carry with it the expectation of budget neutrality, and everything the republicans are pursuing would result in a huge increase in the budget deficient, (with all the value shifted to the…
We shall now contemplate a golden-age of: no remakes, no gratuitous sequels, no ‘reboots’. (“but, but, assured market share!!”) Come-on, just dump out a box of Galaxy, Analog, Worlds Beyond magazine and pick anything at random and you’ll do wonders beyond this ourboros-thumb-sucking-circle... approach (“but still,…
It was impressive in as much as i didn’t believe i could become even more depressed about trump-voters — Oprah sure showed me (“NASA is working hard on that Golgafrinchanian Ark, yes?”)
Desperately needs a link to Dan Ackroyd’s immortal Irwin Mainway’s “Bag o’ Glass” sketch. But dammit, all the likely links are firewalled - oh maybe here.
All this vagarity and no shout out for when Prince Harry really did go Nazi? (“and remember that time when he got into the chamber of secrets and found that chest which tied Prince Albert Victor to being Jack the Ripper?”)
personally i’d like to think she’s a high-priestess of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM)
see that see-through wall? (of course you don’t!) so the wall’s done [tiny hands ‘OK’ gesture] well, i’m tired of winning. (“MAGA!”)
The font, please publish the full font; as “Village” or “Albertus” or “McGoohan”. That show had such rich detail! (“if a bit lacking in sanity” ...yeah, well that’s the thing, in’t it? we’re all prisoners of our own lack of plot development and early cancellation)
Might want to s/infinity.box/infinity.cube/i in your headline etc; because googling “infinity box” will take you ..elsewhere. And here’s a video promo which will give you more of a feel of how the thing’s action goes. (“just some old Capt Queeg balls for me”)
Might want to s/infinity.box/infinity.cube/i in your headline etc; because googling “infinity box” will take you…
Some of us unreasonably nerdy types believe that humanity’s destiny is to gain independent control of our own evolution. A step in that direction would be to separate our neural pleasures from unplanned procreation. (“so... our sex drive might have an eco, city, and ‘sport mode’?”)
Are any of these mad dashes to autonomous vehicles reserving a few billion for the phalanx of lawyers against the first, second, and, (especially), third lawsuits “caused” by these vehicles? Because there is no way that someone won’t sue the deepest pockets when one of these things starts a left turn and doesn’t…