a monastery (self banishment) needs some religious orders, so turtles in wimples. Most Star Wars species haven’t been very subtle for (earth bound) historical parodies.
a monastery (self banishment) needs some religious orders, so turtles in wimples. Most Star Wars species haven’t been very subtle for (earth bound) historical parodies.
something went haywire here. this is not the posting that i originally replied to. it doesn’t make sense here. it was to an article about racism and trump-voters. ...ah well (i’m forever grayed-out for unknown reasons anyway)
One should at least make mention of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” (arguably the first time it was stated as a distinct bit of psyop). Nixon and the GOP weaponized it, but the Fox “news” and the Russians modernized that weapon. The essential prerequisite of that weapon being racism and ignorance. (“y’know that a bunch of…
Mechanical keyboards are favored by those who type a lot and do so via efficient touch typing; so once strapped-in on home-row the true keyboardist doesn’t want to lose that efficient position fumbling for the mouse/pointing device ... so: a track-pointer (nub, nipple mouse, ..other names) should be an option with ever…
This guy is so like literally much uniquer in linguistical authority and he’ll like utterly decimate the entire comprised punditry with his fleek woke styles (“and hair; it’s all in the hair, like Malcolm Gladwell like”)
If such a demented plan were remotely honest, they’d employ the symbol with some significant graphical changes, like a non-nazi angle or going the ‘other way’ (which would make it an ancient Hindu symbol with the feminine sense) - but no, they couldn’t manage that much and they are thus christened: the lamest of…
Your first suggestion of microwaving is dealt a blow right at the top of your linked NYT article: “Microwaving your dirty sponge will only kill some of the bacteria on it, leaving the strongest, smelliest and potentially most pathogenic strains”. So you might want to at least address that this current…
aww com’on... it’s an advert and all but in the spirit of all that once was gizmodo, how about one level of detail of how it converts heat to electricity? we’ll go out on some (nearby) limb and presume it’s closer to Peltier effect cell then a tiny steam engine, but a single sentence to that effect would’ve been oh so…
aww com’on... it’s an advert and all but in the spirit of all that once was gizmodo, how about one level of detail…
You just know that there’s been a few ‘family discussions’ (excluding trump himself of course) to the effect of: “let’s convince him that he’s already fantastically accomplished all the winning possible and that he should now just ‘run things’ from the resort” “Jared’s even got the full fake tweet platform set up…
“Sensors”? what utter foul nonsense, or: nuq Dap! From time immemorial there was the ritual of Q’onkers! Where Klingon children were judged fit to survive as Klingons by striking their foreheads together at the end of a sacred run into a sacred ravine of sacredness! (this ravine is too sacred to have its name printed…
Cunning folks native to gizmodo ought to be able to analyze (or if you’re British: analyse) the tweet stream at least for diad and/or triad word frequency and such-like in order to posit when a series of tweety presidential edicts are the result of Kelly grabbing the instrument versus when Bannon has fished the…
This posting and others similar will be assaulted for what amounts to idiot shaming. (“Hey! idiots should be allowed their opinions too!” of course they should, and they should want to defend those opinions) But, with a wizened eye to a general decline in objective awareness and education, (because of manipulative…
So much would be explained if trump was sufficiently deluded (as many have suggested) that he believed he got the Sharknado gig, (and bannon is some antisocial director) (“As an added feature the ‘plot’ probably comes to a climax with the president calling in a nuclear strike”)
Wait... so duct-tape is legal (..yep), lego technics® is legal (....yep), and about a dozen shot-guns are legal (...uh...yess), but if i combine them into a little device i call Mr Gatling - well then somehow i’m to blame!?
Science Journalists (or Journalists covering science) really need to include high up in their articles (in the headline for choice) that this embryo was not implanted nor brought to term. No creepy gattaca baby will be presented to the press with this one. (“But that’s just the next step!!” ...kinda true, but it’s a…
While there are certainly many cringe-worthy examples of overt racism, you might find it more edifying to ask to be sent “government approved murals” which are not racist. That is, with few exceptions: show me a (governmental) mural done in the last two hundred years and i’ll find something racist in it.
So much for the time-honored assertion that words with a “k-sound” are the funniest. (“You’re all wrong! German has the most amusing, for their renown overly specific words. uzw: Kummerspeck, or `grief bacon’)
“We can haul in six maybe seven percent of the trump-voters by selling our souls. and hey, that’s probably enough to shift three electoral college votes!” “Well, ya can’t win no gerrymandered money-corrupted elections with yer soul no how” “and it’s not like they can get disgusted with us and vote republican!” “uh, i…
Once again (in the capacity of a devoted and ancient computer geek): The very characteristics that make computers so flexible, mutable, adaptable, fun, and, hackable, is antithetical as an appliance for secure voting. At least up to the counting stage you want the disperse and unhackable features of boring old paper…
oh yeah? well i’m an object in my house, and my bacteria has my sponge’s totally outnumbered (“right, guys?” ..réponse est par flatulence)