
The people filming knew and are assholes looking for good youtube content?

Do you think the fine lads giggling about it knew he probably shouldn't do that, though? Maybe they could have warned him? Watching your friend blow off the outer layer of his arm's skin does make great video content so I guess not.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. The amount of mental gymnastics that Trump supporters need to do when they know he goes against everything they actually believe in is enormous. I suppose we shouldn’t expect military personnel to be exempt from those gymnastics.

Now playing

‘Even when you’re right next to it you can’t see it’. Sorry he is that stupid.

I too look forward to seeing the circus my tax dollars get me. I’m hoping they park a tank on the front lawn and it sinks in like one of David Tracy’s backyard rust buckets becoming a permanent monument to our collective stupidity.

Show us on the doll where the millennial touched you...

Now if someone could please explain what the rest of the car was for?

Wehrum’s job as yet another MAGA EPA hatchet man is done. One revolution of the revolving door complete.

How do you know it will be lame?


Puma is great, but they really need to bring back the Ka!

The US doesn’t have the ubiquitous passenger rail system Europe has so people assume we just don’t use trains. 

So much this. I love my car and I love driving... but what I do NOT love is commuting. Give me a subway/light rail or a bus that actually goes where I need to go WITHOUT taking an hour and a half and I’d be all over that. (FWIW I’m currently job hunting and if I find a job downtown I’ll be using the express commuter

And it generally involves a great deal of kicking and screaming along the way. Unfortunately it seems to be human nature to think a job/profession that has been stable for 20 years is now some kind of annuity and that any change should be resisted and/or blamed on some kind of scapegoat.

The story tellers were replaced by the scribes, who were replaced by the manual printing press, who were replaced by the roll to roll printing press, who were replaced by the internet. Jobs don’t disappear they evolve, and evolution takes time and effort. 

It’s not like these robots won’t need maintenance, programming, enhancements/upgrades.

The only downside is that whenever you go out on the highway people in front of you are going to slow down to the speed limit... (this is what all the “undercover” cop cars are out here in the midwest)

No kidding, couldn’t they use a 737 Max for Trump?

No one has ever been delighted to own a Chevy Cruze.

It’s Friday, I have no more fucks left to give this week. Especially not to the Commander-in-Cheat and his half-baked economic policies.