
no surprises here. Will be useful for people that insist on butchering Porsche. They should also have a French person tell everyone how to pronounce coupe.

finally a steering wheel from Ford that I could live with.

also, the brace position is really there so that passenger heads don’t snap off and fly to the front of the plane during the crash with high Gs. Makes it easier to identify the bodies when they still have the heads attached to them and not in one big pile at the front of the plane. You’re welcome :)

GT is dead for me as well. I’m looking for entertaining car show not for college level humor with cars in the background. The entire first season of GT was mediocre at best with some shows where I wanted to poke my eyes out (the anti terrorist in middle east somewhere), but what really killed it for me was 2 shows in

you wouldn’t catch me dead in any of these. Also, a car with serious offroading capabilities has it’s purpose. These new chopped roof SUVs are destined not to see any paved-less road beyond the gravel parking lot at best. Somehow I’m finding it hard to believe that the owner of the Murano convertible or this Range

ahh the ignorance. Lane splitting is legal in a lot of states. It allows the motorcyclist to move along and not take up the space he otherwise would have to take up behind a car. This also in a small way reduces the congestion as there is less vehicles to occupy a certain space. He’s faster anyway, let him go on his

a convertible SUV is an automotive abomination. It’s stupid, pointless and done only because sadly there are enough fools in the world that will be lining up at the dealerships to part with their money to have this turd to drive to the mall/starbucks/country club

This show is dead for me. It’s hard to be able to stand the “American”, the fake jokes, the celebrity brain crash and horrible scripts similar to the anti terrorist unit episode. However the final nail to the coffin for me is... 2 episodes filmed in Scotland, tons of silly talk and not a single mentioning of Colin

lol, nice :) you get a star for good history


less and less. I used to work at a truck manufacturer (class8) that was moving any and all available and willing suppliers to Mexico to support their assembly line in that country.

and the answer for this is, make them legal so that they can start paying taxes and share the burden. There are several ways of making them legal that would benefit the society. I work in logistics and everyone is talking for the past couple of years about shortage of truck drivers.

exactly... just like it’s written in the article, the manufacturing footprint takes years to transfer from country to country so expect the big domestic manufacturers to come crying to the white house about lost sales since this will me much easier and cheaper for them to do than actually moving the plants back to USA

You must not like driving then... If a car is an appliance to you, then yes, you will be annoyed with shifting. Some of us have different desires from a car.

that’s pathetic...

A computer can play piano and hit every single note without a mistake but we don’t take pleasure in listening to a computer doing that. for commuting purposes, it may make sense but that’s pretty far away.

It is not an investment as it doesn’t put money in your pocket. Get your investment definition straight :)

and for Pete’s sake, somebody kill that moron new “team racing driver”. I want to harm myself whenever I have to endure him being shown and am actually really harming myself whenever he opens his redneck mouth...

it’s so cheap because no one really wants an electric snow blower. Try to deal with the extension wires when there is no snow, and then imagine doing that with the snow on the ground. Nope, thanks. I’d rather shovel.

it’s so cheap because no one really wants an electric snow blower. Try to deal with the extension wires when there

you must be an outlier. I pay $260 per month for HSA coverage under my employer’s plan. I’m healthy and PPO on my own would cost me $1200 per month.