For Sweden

Sweden’s approach works so well America started copying it

My point is you might as well yell at entropy. Life is returning to normal. People aren’t returning to lockdown. Deal with it.

The streets are packed. the lockdown is over.

I bet you also think everyone in the daily Zoom meeting is also wearing pants.

Look outside, the lockdown is over

Tom where is the picture of the exploded Fit transmission?

Only a cop would post this

Only one of them is a cop

It’s an easy choice, Jason

Of course the girlfriends are unfulfilled.  They also root for Millwall, and Millwall hasn’t played in the top flight since 1990.

Sounds like a Millwall match

This is a round-about way to keep Kyle Larson out of NASCAR, but I like it.

James has always liked extra lights on cars. This hero car Dodge from his film The Protector has many extra lights!

The North remembers

It gets worse

I’m not telling Honda anything

Have you ever heard of being inconspicuous Doug

I can’t imagine a detective with a body-camera on his suit would be effective at catching people doing crimes.

The owner called the cops? And we applaud this?