For Sweden

Multi party elections are cool and good the commies should try them sometime

I do hate police unions yes.

Um excuse me but who’s side are you on

You claim to want to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, yet you want to visit Mars, which has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide.

That was Michael’s argument


[me in forty years, in the salt mines after World War IV]

Tired: using pen and paper to track your progress

The military has no union and a much worse retirement package.

If you’re asking me to speak to every variety of white nonsense, we’re gonna need a few years.  And that’s before we even get to the Balkans.

Fun Fact: a disposable surgical mask is proven to be 0% effective against the fumes from a lithium battery fire.

There’s a pandemic; driving on an empty highway is not unusual.

How incompetent is the police

Reginald never drove into anyone.

“My boss likes it therefore it is good” is this praxis

Finally, the succs have bought into the human nature paradigm.

So that is a “no”

Whites thinking they can act with impunity is why his window is broken.

I’m with you until the end. Plenty of the Whites on the GMG sites subscribe to a “liberals get the bullet too” mentality.

Is this the “liberals get the bullet too” part?