For Sweden

Maybe these owners can hold some kind of celebration.

Some sins are beyond salvation, Sam.

Are we pretending that even with Geely money, Lotus will survive the upcoming recession?

The other sports have directors and producers. Twitch does not.

I'm not the one who has to listen to the slur directed at me

NASCAR proved why you don’t want virtual racing.

Someone has to pay the refinery, the pipeline and the truck driver.

What if we just poured it into the rivers? The fish can store it.

Um excuse me but your facts are killing the vibe man

It’s also why we can just scrap all the airplanes and tear down all the hotels.

It's true my reply-guy comrade. Succs can never lose elections fairly.

If the Sanders primary campaigns are an indication, they cannot vote.

We will only look at the X8 if we choose to look at the X8.

Tankie Twitter is worse than the Arby’s account (Twitter seems to ban the Nazis at least)

Invite Taiwan you cowards

Ah yes, License to Kill, the moment James Bond became an narc.

Can I run Radwood on my Commodore?

So you like Rep. Demings but not Sen. Harris, huh?

You can’t expect a Dutch plan to hold water

When my assignment editor asks me who I hate: