For Sweden

The Barcelona “ban” allows delivery trucks and residential traffic.

This is good.  It also sounds like giving a free hotel room to healthcare workers, if they sit though the timeshare presentation.

But Ballaban interrupted me and asked what material I would be using. He did not wait for an answer because he had his own idea of what would best approximation of period blood.

...does Patrick think that two good takes equals one bad take? 

HamNo: We should start a union

uh huh

Look, if you’re going to defend a bunch of business owners who don’t want to pay taxes, that’s your problem.

Running over protesters is bad

While this is a dumb fight, I can see why people would want garden supplies. I would like to think the community gardens in Detroit can stay open this spring.

FYI if you are thinking of attending a public gathering:

Congrats on the likes 

He asked a hardware question

It feels more like telling Americans that hot sauce exists, or any flavor other than butter.

I tell them that if they want other features, buy a phone with those features.

Then deal with it

I think what you want is a Pixel 3

Me: Well, it’s almost Ramadan. How will you celebrate:

Defending racist corporations to own the capitalists

Uh huh

All the short swabbies go in F/A-18s