For Sweden

Preventing the apocalypse is more than “an important near-term goal”

Do you not understand what an emergency is? When a house is on fire, do you care that firefighters might get some things wet?

We don’t have 10,000 years.  We have 10 years at best.

We have ten years, tops. Are you going to bet the existence of the species on renewables?

If we don’t use every available means to decarbonize this decade, we won’t have future generations. We should happily trade carbon waste in the atmosphere for contained nuclear waste.

You need to get a RED for that resolution

This is an emergency and we are seizing the means of production. Just gulag the NIMBYs, send the Cheka after the rest, and you can have operating nuclear plants in a few years.

Not a single mention of nuclear energy...

I would have to think the British Monarchy has no control over Norwegian shipping companies.

Price Harry needs to take the initiative, tell his nana what’s what, and make himself King Henry I of Canada.

tweels are good

Can I use someone else’s fingerprint?  That would be useful when I’m out doing crimes.

Lol. Ironic detachment. The last sanctuary of the succ.

So is The Conquest of Bread what’s your point

The flyovers are good Ash

Baseball and Premiership football are the cheating sports; try to keep up.

I just want to say that NASCAR is good.

Naturally aspirated cars are designed to work best in high-pressure situations

I'm sorry this is happening to you