For Sweden

That would be an F.

You can’t just say something is proven without showing your work.  Where is your work?

How is working underpaid gig economy jobs real just turn off the app dude just walk away from your phone

C’est la vérité


F1 is too good for anglo Canada

Kristen: My car is pink

Move the race to Malaysia you cowards

tbf, the A109E is a terrible attack helicopter

The Russians were pretty scary in the 1980s

Are you questioning my lived experience

I am far from claiming Polestar is the one that’ll turn this shit around

Consider the fact that no autonomous system has ever passed a safety assessment for normal operations in a high hazard environment, like roads.

Just ride the bus lol

Why isn’t this sponsored content?  Do you not like money?

It would be quite odd if the inner-German border gate was closed in 1992.

Business? In MY Deutsche Demokratische Republik?

No vehicle will neutralize the Rhineland as fast as this

You need to go to better parades comrade