
My favorite Effie Brown story:

Maybe, just maybe, when you’re white, you get so sick of people talking about diversity just for the sake of diversity, that you finally just say “Nah”.

I know nothing about the show (European here) so please tell me if I am wrong (because I really want to be). Is the only person of colour ALSO the only woman? In which case it really tells something about their idea of diversity; “ok guys, we need one POC, one female, let’s just make that the same person, check, much

I want to know the rate of white men interrupting men of color. I’m sure it’s a problem, but I haven’t seen it discussed.

An example is if a woman is dating a guy who is a twin. One day the brother tricks her into thinking he is her boyfriend and they have sex. That would be rape by deception.

I’m sorry wisht, I can’t get behind this. Rape by deception?! No. No no no.

You can’t heal a cavity. A cavity is a hole in your tooth.

Not everyone is sophisticated enough to know how to properly address race. And quite frankly it’s not an easy discourse to have.

two things: 1. She’s old, it’s the kind of thing that old people say. 2. She was most likely asked a question in order to get that pull quote, something like, “does it matter to you that she was raised black?”

I agree. I think the reason that line is generally associated with racists is that it gets trotted out most often either (a) when people are talking about being colorblind or post-racial or some such shit. “Fuck affirmative action, they should hire the most qualified person for the job whether that person is white,

Just because people don’t say the right thing doesn’t mean they are racist. Not everyone is sophisticated enough to know how to properly address race. And quite frankly it’s not an easy discourse to have.

Yeah, I hate to be that person but. . . yeah. Being raised a different race doesn’t totally rearrange your facial features.