
Trenton's on the wall. Someone on Reddit zoomed in and she's there, as Shama Biswas with alias Trenton underneath. She does not have a X over her face like the known deceased players (Sharon Knowles, Cisco) so the FBI suspect she's alive. Of interest, Susan Jacobs doesn't have an X over her face either.

My other question: is the Red Wheelbarrow BBQ a chain restaurant or what because the Asian guy in the white hazmat-type suit at Tyrell's lair was eating a burger from a Red Wheelbarrow BBQ wrapper. Mr Robot's Red Wheelbarrow menu said it was in North Carolina. Is this a Gus Fring distribution thing? /only half kidding

Leon protected Elliot in prison; since he's asking Trenton and Mobley "Do you have the time?" I really think he's there to bring them into Whiterose's fold, not kill them. Otherwise why the Whiterose "time" reference?
Anyway, if the DA wanted them dead, they'd be dead by now. Since DA knows what the FBI know - and the

Maybe I'm just dense, but that's the first time I connected the dots on Leon = "Léon the Professional" (hitman from the film). Thanks!

I'm just dying to know what Whiterose told Angela in the rest of her allotted 28 minutes that was NOT shown on-screen and made Angela get on WR's side, drop the lawsuit, be cool with Elliot being put into a medical crisis (in her phone convo with Tyrell, it's not clear she specifically knows he's been shot) etc. I

Yeah, this season and in this episode in particular I kept thinking, "Sam Esmail really likes Hannibal."
- During the Minister Zhang/Dom convo in the clock room, BD Wong's face was lit in an odd, glazed, mask-like way like Mads Mikkelsen's was for occasional effect in Hannibal; I even thought his affect in the clock

Exceptions for me: the Silicon Valley commentaries (the cast are comedians, after all, and you get to learn a lot about cut lines and improv), Hannibal commentaries (although usually they pair 1 actor + Bryan Fuller/a writer - still, Raul Esparza's were some of the best DVD commentary I've ever heard: he has serious

I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to note that BD Wong's scene of applying the character's makeup transformation in front of an elaborate vanity table setup is an homage to his breakout performance in David Henry Hwang's play M. Butterfly: shortly before intermission, Song Liling informs you that they're

She was in the audience at the Judy King kitchen demo, raising her hand to volunteer.

this is trivial but were those t-shirt nightgown things featured on the series before or is this their debut appearance? did cash-strapped MCC fork out for new threads cos those are not oversized t-shirts, they're slim-cut and just very long and look cozy even though they were probably awfully scratchy and awful

- Ramon popped by! Why, hello there, sailor.
- The design of the sheep/etc masks reminded me of Bron/Broen (the original Swedish-Danish The Bridge) season 2.
- Felix and his 'performance piece' (lol). I do hope we get to see more Felix being Felix (in all his inimitable racy glory) this season; it felt like he was

I *adore* Young-Hee (& agree that her husband is probably Elizabeth's actual target). Given the emphasis on her Korean family…I wonder if the 1983 Soviet shooting of Korean Airlines flight 007 will get a mention in the storyline? (BTW, I've read an interview where Keri Russell mentions meeting a mark whom she actually

weirdly, Christian Slater voiced one of the characters on the 2005 BBC revival radio series of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (during the episodes covering Mostly Harmless, IIRC - he played Wonko the Sane, a Californian driven mad by a matchbox) Apparently he called in wanting to do the role? The man definitely

Noticed that Cradock Marine Bank (on the Ice Station Zebra Associates check) is the bank used by the cake pops lawyer in BB for the hazard pay guys' safety deposit boxes. I like the little references, although BCS holds up on its own (and has Kim).