
Ah, Hank Jennings/Chris Mulkey - long lost brother to Bill Maher and Craig Wasson. They're triplets, really.

Those sweaters…

Yeah I really thought this was up there with 8 as the best yet. 7 was terrific too, but if anything THAT one could be accused a bit of being too much exposition and not enough poetry - still was a great episode though. But this one? I thought it was beautiful.

Ha, very nice catch. I've babbled on here, and elsewhere, incessantly about Milch and how great I think he and his work is, and how much I'd bet Rectify was influenced by his work (the most prominent aspect being the way it borrows Milch's each-episode-a-day structure, but also the similar humanist bent of Milch's

Good point.

Yeah, definitely; surprised there hasn't been one yet.

I'm keen to check out the Twin Peaks OST reissue, but I'm even more excited for the FWWM one that Death Waltz are thankfully also doing, coming out in December I believe. Lynch's best film AND Badalamenti's best score. And it's gonna be a 45 rpm double album… nice.

That's true, Rectify does kind of blur the line between reality and fantasy and engages in those surreal, seemingly impossible gambits like the shared dream… I guess, with Milch on my mind again, one could liken it to John From Cincinnati. Not to as great an extent, but like that (also underrated, if flawed) series,

That's interesting. I don't really see much of a similarity; Carnivale is more classical and detached and eerie whereas Rectify is very immediate, impressionistic and poetic. I love Carnivale, though. It does have a kind of "timelessness" to it, just a really wonderful atmosphere overall which is one of its biggest

Ah, forgot it was 8, must've been thinking of Season 1. I kind of agree that more is less with this show, but it's hard not to be greedy with such great art. I also think Season 2, while excellent, was definitely the weakest of the first three because it did seem to drag — it felt like it had more "filler" to it

Rectify is the best show on television — by far — and I really wish it got more recognition and appreciation. I'm fairly alright with it ending after 4 seasons because it's such a small-scaled show and I don't want it to coast, but at the same time I think they could've easily pulled off 5 seasons — or just a

I get where most people here are coming from on Season 2, and Past Me would agree, but I dunno — I've really warmed up to all but 2 or 3 episodes of Season 2 in recent watches. I mean, I'm not so in love with the show that I can't see its flaws as flaws — but I just enjoy even the weaker episodes of Peaks, enjoy their

Yawn. I'd rather watch the Deadwood movie. Or series.

Short Cuts is amazing. One of the most riveting movies I've ever seen, hands down. It's also, strangely, terribly underrated considering it's almost universally praised by critics — I can hardly seem to find anyone, online or off, who loves it as much as I do. Only 3 Women can compete with it in the Altman canon.

This is possibly the most highly-anticipated home video release of any film I can recall in recent memory (at least among "cinephiles"). I'm just so happy Criterion finally made it happen. I actually have been looking forward to seeing A Brighter Summer Day so much and love The Terrorizers and Yi Yi so much that I

How is this show not only still on, but continuing for two more seasons after this one? I stopped watching after the third episode of this season; it's just run out of ideas, become unfunny. Like a parody of its former self, which was never that great anyway. Can we somehow go back in time and give the two extra

Yeah, you're right — I forgot about that scene but now that I remember it I do recall Ernst being there. It's kinda too bad that he's dead, because there's only so many flashbacks they can do at this point and I think he's one of the more interesting characters on the show.

Actually this episode is the only time we've met (or will meet) Ernst this season. At least, the actor is only credited for this episode and I don't recall seeing him before this week.

This movie basically looks like a poor man's Insider. I'll probably see it, just because it looks stylishly done, and a Mann clone is better than most Oscar-Bait movies.

I also think the people the show seems to mock are the ones who, quite frankly, deserve to be mocked. Like the gun-store fedora dude with the "uh-oh!" ringtone.