
Male suicide? Oh shut it, Denny Downer. Your mansplaining, tone-policing, #notallmen #maletears are distracting us from our snark, you pathetic #manbaby. Check your privilege.

Using hate against hate tends to be unproductive, I’ve noticed.

This was so salty.

As much as I want to chuckle at International Men’s Day, after looking into it doesn’t seem as bad or as simplistic as just “lets give a men a day to celebrate themselves because women have day!” There seems to be some of that in the first calls for it (per Wikipedia), but it looks like it has (officially) become a

If the day was just about men’s egos, then I’d be all for ripping the piss out of it, but considering the actual theme for this year, it could have done with being handled with a little more sensitivity.

Why did you even post this? You’re trying to muck up the echo chamber, and they don’t appreciate that kind of behavior around here. It is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for a feminist to be a hypocrite, because hypocrisy = hypocrisy + power. Go mansplain somewhere else where dissent isn’t shoved in a closet because our

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While I would normally agree with the sarcastic take on things...

it’s really not on Jezebel in general.

Is this what modern day ‘feminism’ has come to? Gender-bashing because of a made-up holiday? I hope this is a joke piece.

I forgot this part :

White Woman Hates Holiday Celebrated By and For Black Men in Countries affected by Colonialism, more news at 11.

This is fucked but is he asking her to help raise the kid or give child support or he just consent wants to bring the embryos to term? Because if the former, may he forever have the sound of nails on blackboard ringing in his ears. If the latter, seems (hazily) analogous to when a woman chooses to carry a baby to

Well, I do think the commenters of Jezebel do, for the most part, live in a self-reinforcing bubble. They will absolutely deny anything that anyone says that contradicts their world view, even when it’s factually correct. They lose sight of the fact that no one is ever 100% right 100% of the time. I’d say I agree

The comment section here is fallout from the smug assuredness of a Clinton victory... months of jerking off about how “we’re finally getting the first female president guys!” that has left everyone dumbfounded as to how it could have possibly go wrong. So they cling to the identity politics and decide that the only

We probably would have done a lot worse in the Senate and House as well if Bernie hadn’t been out hustling for the down ticket Dem races.

You lost because people were tired of being labeled for having a different opinion than you. Instead of discussing issues with people who disagreed with you, you lumped them in with the crazies. Many of those people didn’t vote for Trump. They voted against the ideology that called them names and labeled them.


Keep vilifying white men and see if they ever vote Democrat again.

Each day I’m more and more convinced that the commenters on Jezebel have never met anyone that isn’t like them (except their uncle or in-laws that they hate). The inability to grasp we lost is astonishing. The majority of people don’t find identity politics appealing. Most people vote for what they perceive to be the

He will be in January bitch

I voted third party and I still don’t feel bad about it. You know how many times I was told I was wasting my vote by a Trump supporter? Zero times. On the other hand, I was told numerous times by Hillarly supporters.