
Or you know, it might be better to try to persuade people to vote your way instead of trying to constantly shame people. After this election, liberals seem to have a longer enemies list than Trump and Nixon combined.

In my experience with this site, when you say “troll” you mean anyone who has a opinion on this that is different from your own. Even if they are being civil, respectful and calm. People lie from time to time, for various reasons. Men can lie, women can lie, Christians can lie and Muslims can lie too. There are many

While I can’t even pretend to know the truth in this case, neither can anyone else who isn’t directly associated with the case. Therefore, I find the title of this article misleading and biased and the article full of logical fallacies like post hoc ergo propter hoc assuming that because Trump was elected that people

This is absolute madness!

Hasty generalization - you don’t have sufficient evidence that because someone voted for Trump that they tolerate racism, hate, harassment, and violence.

I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.

People want to blame everyone but Clinton and the democratic party for the loss. Typical punching down instead of up. I wish dems would take responsibility for doing a poor job.

The fact that millions of more people voted for her in NYC than voted against her in someplace like Kansas is absolutely meaningless, the national popular vote means precisely jack squat. She was deeply unpopular and was not a good candidate because of it.

Remember when I said I voted for Bernie in the primaries, but I would hold my nose & vote for Hillary?

Blame is an interesting thing. Can white people be blamed? Yes.

I’m tired of the narrative that its all white people’s fault. White people voted as FUCKING EXPECTED. Trump didn’t drastically improve white voter turnout over Romney. The only thing that changed was black and latino turnout, and a surprising amount of black and latino’s not showing up to vote and a surprising amount

No, I just dislike racist pigs like you.

Honest question: people here lambasted Trump supporters who said they would not accept the results if Clinton won, that she’s never be their president, etc. How is it okay to say that about Trump? I have not heard any allegations about rigging, fraud, or other hijinks going on to push a Trump victory. I mean, as much

if the party did nothing wrong, care to tell me why 5 million obama voters didn’t show up yesterday? care to tell me how 7 (SEVEN!) blue states flipped?

Yeah, why oh why did Bernie start those Benghazi and email investigations?

And you are why we all lost. If the DNC had ran him instead of her, we’d all be celebrating today. The DNC owes Bernie Sanders and the rest of the world an apology. If you want to know the name of the person who damned America. It is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Every vote Hillary got would have gone to Sanders. As well

You hapless goddamned idiot. You and your ilk lost us this election, and you’re too stupid to realize it.


The conspiracy theories were later proven absolutely right in the DNC hack which showed it was a farcical organization. But yeah blame Bernie and his supporters for your defeat.

all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate