
You know my biggest problem with her is that she sees everything in a "females are oppressed" vacuum. Its what leads her to say things like "Females were used as decorations to sell games" with a straight face without realizing that back in those days it was seen as the opposite of macho to be seen playing video

So fucking what if the main villain of the game is a white racist? Why is that suddenly a taboo?


If something like this goes to retail i'm 100% sure someone will add a fleshlight to it and turn it to a sex sim

Apparently you misunderstand the meaning of Science. That or you apparently didn't pay intention when the scientific method was taught in school.

Faith is by definitional believing without knowledge, or better yet, believing that which knowledge cannot prove to be true. Stop redefining defined words.

I fully agree with Olin. The thing that bother me the most was not the fact that the girlfriend reported this as soon as she heard it. Its the fact that she kept it and sat on it to use as revenge in the future.

Are we just going to ignore the severe bot problem?

I don't get your point. Their gear happens to be gear that can save you from a horrible, terrifying death that involves your lungs filling with water.

Its because Korean companies know that their mmo would be lucky to last for even one year. Therefore they make essentially online APRGs.

You know nothing of Adam's history on G4 or TechTV or that other channel it was called before that if you are going to say his interactions on TV were different from the ones online.

PS4 and XBONE was out for less than 5 months. The WIIU has been out for almost A year and a half.

I love how stating facts gets you labeled as a douche. 2 + 2 = 4!;

I'm going to say this shit again. Stop posting gifs of the most important parts of videos before we had time to watch them. Holy fuck man. You completely ruin the experience. Its no longer, "What's going to happen next" but "When is this guy's head going to explode."

Is it me or is anybody else getting tired of people spoiling potentially funny videos with gifs before you have a chance to watch the video? Have some fucking decency. Embed the video then the gifs.

Are you the Real Danny F. Sexbang?

I like how people on this site enjoy attempting to school the guy living in japan on Japanese culture and spelling.

The patterns were not generous at all. The reason why i think FFXII is the best game ever made is because of it's AMAZING conveyance. You were never confused about what was happening. Someone in your party is casting a heal spell? You can hear it winding up and see who its being cased on. Boss is about to unleash a

I'm sorry but in every single final fantasy there is that has extra bosses which are more difficult than the final boss, it always have a gimmick that always is predictable and it always had millions of more health than the last boss. Sounds like you watched a youtube clip of Yazmat and was like "Fuck that shit".

FFXII had no main character. Sure, Vann and Piano was on the box art, however if anybody had to be painted as the main character it would be Ashe and Larsa.