This style is ancient as all getup. They've been doing this for a loooong time.
This style is ancient as all getup. They've been doing this for a loooong time.
Lynnwood? Of all places...Lynnwood? Oooookay.
She's an attention whore to the highest degree who loves being the victim. Every time you think you've forgotten about her lumberjack-shirted dumb ass, she pops back in to troll some more and get gamers all riled up.
I love gooooooooooold.
I bet that looks amazing on a tombstone though.
1. N/A - Because this is completely fucking unacceptable when there are millions of people, and probably hundreds of thousands of gamers out there without internet access, let alone reliable internet access (or pay per use).
I actually noticed the anus and vagina practically showing through her clothes first, and then my eyes gravitated to the slime penis. None of this can be on accident.
I'm sorry....what?
Ugh. So, apparently they're not only making the console itself look simple and bland, they're pushing metro to their boxes too...great.
I don't know if I'd call this rap so much as hiphop(?). I remember when rap used to have a message, and actually rhymed.
You guys missed the parking lot diagram with the Ouya booth. :p
The bigger problem with this new gen is that everyone is now stuck on branding, and are too afraid that putting something with a new name will "confuse" consumers. This all comes from the whole idea of gaining and keeping the casual market into console gaming.
Can you find out who painted the Dragon Warrior 2 box art for me? Now that would be interesting.
So, Sony has gone from a George Foreman grill to a waffle maker?
Ugh. If there's one thing I've always hated since the dawn of 3D gaming; it's that damn overly-loud footstep sound. It's rampant, and most of the time it sounds like someone punching a plastic bag.
I predict that Kotaku will piss itself like an overly excited dog, and then go back to spending the next 6 months shitting on the Wii U at every chance.
I swear to God, Kotaku...if you fuckers are the reason we don't get Eternal Darkness 2...I swear to fucking God.
I came.