Rakugaki Showtime

You'd think for 10x more than you need to pay for one, they'd at least give you an HDMI output, or throw in an upscaler or something to make it worthwhile over just getting an actual cabinet or AES.

Somebody needs to make an oldschool throwback to games like Another World and Flashback, dammit. Rocketbirds was pretty close, but not the adventury feel I want.

"Saves me the effort of trying. I like that."

This isn't about changing the gaming landscape...and she's not this big martyr you're making her out to be. The people who shit on this lady weren't shitting on her for being a woman, and calling her funding to play games and make a few videos about it isn't "work". She's a huge troll, and what you're seeing is the

The game looks visually stunning, but the gameplay looks like ass. The trailer had me amped for a gloomy depressing romp through a nightmare world with the possibility of seeing light by the end, and the music was haunting. But then I saw the second video and while it's still visually appealing, it just looks bland

I'm disappointed that Hitler in a tutu didn't make an appearance. :(

I despise the term JRPG. It's a completely unwarranted "genre" that assumes that a classic video game RPG style is somehow inherent only to Japan, and only made by/for Japanese people. I want to punch whoever came up with the term JRPG in the balls and face simultaneously.

I hate everything about this woman, but mostly her face...well that and her selective reasoning. She's sitting there wearing gobs of makeup and hoop earrings but contrasts that by trying to be all frumpy with her hair and guy shirt.

Wow. Fucking niiiiiiice. Now, this is how you do something properly in the vein of the original(s).

I would rather see an HD port of Mojib Ribbon to the US than this...

Why does she seem so excited about getting the error? lol

Headline seems pretty misleading. I came expecting survey answers or actual quotes from people / devs, and all I got was a bunch of pie charts.

I have a feeling this will be the next DNF or A:CM.

Hello Pot:

I find this situation to be the same as the media's push for the failure of the Wii U. It's the same reasoning; a way to get clicks.

Way of the Dogg 2: Blood on the Sand

Nah. It's shopped because North Korea doesn't have internet.

Maybe they meant 1.6 million

Now playing

Even if that Big Daddy was a true one-take, the key to that take (without editing) that most true one-takes miss is to do less walking around and setting up grand scale takes that run across entire buildings and whatnot. A one-take in a smaller environment is something that can happen at a faster pace and keep

Just talkin' bout Shaft.