Rakugaki Showtime

I'm pretty sure I said they're TECHNICALLY IMPRESSIVE, but I guess in your rush to make a defensive comment, you missed that part. I didn't feel the need to write an entire essay about how technically impressive it is to do so... the point I was making is that regardless of how technically sound these scenes may be,

The entire Ong Bak series sucked. Nothing worse than a boring action movie.

I never understood why people shit themselves over single-shot fight scenes or action scenes. Yes, it's technically impressive to do a single take, but they usually end up really slow-paced and kind of boring, regardless of how flawless and technically sound they are. And I always get this weird feeling as they move

Oh, you can SAVE over 9000 songs, you just can't PLAY more than 4000 of them.

I'm pretty sure the sailing was the worst/most annoying part of Wind Waker by the end of the game. Everything else about Wind Waker was great, and the sailing was fantastic for the first half of the game, but eventually it just became a chore. I would hope someone wouldn't make a whole game of just that.

McDonald's in Japan is actually not gross like in the US. Everything on the menu seems to be made with real food.

I want to say those are also the ingredients...

As much as I was expecting this to be made in HK or China, it looks like they're Hungarian-based.

Here's a comparison for you on how I feel:

I come from the school of MG1 and MGS1 (including Twin Snakes). I stopped bothering with the rest based on the dumb shit I read about them. I almost bought into MGS2 when they showed that opening of Snake on the ship...almost. Luckily someone else played it before me and I got to learn about Raiden, the fat guy on



You must loooooove Snake's Revenge then.

I'm not sure you know what a derpface is....

There's serious, and then there's taking something seriously, jackass. Two different concepts.

Oh, I've heard about the bee man and other retarded shit, but seeing this just cements how retarded the shit has become.

Nah, I've heard about the rollerskating fat guy, and vampire in MGS2, and the bee man and ghost guy in MGS3, and some monkey in 4, among other things. It's like they stopped taking it seriously after MGS1.

Justify it however you like; it's still retarded. MGS was a little over the top, but not like this.

What...in...the...fuck happened to Metal Gear? Man, I'm glad I stopped with MGS1. This shit has gone full retard.

Wow, that's unlike anything I've seen before. It actually looks...normal.