Rakugaki Showtime

To be fair, NeoGAF is pretty much solely a "let's shit on Nintendo"-based website.

There's an Annoying Orange kids show, so I would imagine they can pull anything out of their ass to market something popular.

I'm pretty sure that in the films and games, it was always pronounced "laura". Now, I missed a few of the later games, but did they ever actually go over to "lara" or is this some shit they're trying to pull with the reboot?

I'm sorry but they can make 100 excuses why the game looks and runs like shit, but none of them are valid. The 360 alone is capable of much more detail and shit than what ACM provided, so blaming system limitations is a load of shit.

Would it also been to much to ask for the worm's mouth to chomp?

So, a broken control scheme is now a feature?

Now playing

I Googled it and according to the in-game instructions at 2:20 on this video, you just point the camera in the direction you want to move and swim.

Why change now? I mean, the PS1 was developed by Nintendo and handed to Sony. The only thing Sony did was make it a standalone. And they've done nothing original since...

Yeah, that demo was pretty shit. I don't think it looked particularly bad, but it was super empty, and yes the controls were ass. I went for the dragon fish boss thing and I couldn't figure out how the fuck to go underwater to attack him. So, I just swam around in circles accomplishing nothing and mashing every

In Indonesia it's wkwkwkwkwk

I blame the PS4.

They're trying to do the Wii U approach and say the focus should be on the controller, but the problem here is that the controller for the PS4 is uninteresting.

Not holding off until the end, but jeez, at least give a couple of sentences buffer saying that "it's been great working with them and they did a great job, but it is with heavy hearts that we must eliminate jobs at IGN."

" Before I go into more details about the changes, you should know that they resulted in the elimination of jobs at IGN."

I'm personally upset about the lack of ghost presenters as well,

I think the reason people are making this comparison is because Sony has been selling themselves for the past decade or so as being the big powerhouse in gaming, and the PS4 seems to be tapering off from that standard they set for themselves.

And right over a cliff.

Hero-man? Tater-bug? ....yeah, Tennessee seems about right.

Playstation UBOX with WonderBook 2 pack-in.

One of them moves slower than the other.