be-cause... looks... hor-ri-ble...and... be-cause... looks... hor-ri-ble...and...
First, I wish that dude with the wicked lisp would shut up more. Second, the game itself looks great, but goddamn those 2D cutscenes look like fucking CD-i Zelda games. Awful bad stuff there. They should cut those out completely and stick to the gameplay.
I recently sacrificed the bulk of my collection, saving only 8 & 16-bit, to fund making a graphic novel. I sold things like a complete PS2 Japanese SHMUP collection, 2 copies of sealed SegaGaGa Limited Editons (well, actually as well as my complete DC collection), a complete Saturn collection, a complete Sega CD…
Why would they jump off the hype train? You'd think they'd want to ride it to the bitter end.
It's only got ONE PROCESSOR.
Remind me again why Fox is entrusting the Aliens franchise to fucking Sega...
I guarantee you those were porn actors.
I'll take him out!
I think the funniest thing for me today is that it's still ridiculous that a PS3 EVER cost $599, but people are able to justify a $799 iPad purchase to play Angry Birds and Temple Run, or a $649 phone without so much as a bat of an eye.
I'm all about Japanese arcades, and I loved playing the wacky shit they'd have there, but this looks like it's mind-numbingly boring. You just mash 1 button while you stand there like a tool? FUN!~
Oh, hi Mark.
I would say pretty close to Mario U or at least a big chunk, because the Rayman demo was like the first publicly available playable item for the U on demo units, and most of the people I know personally who bought the Wii U was because they were looking forward to Rayman after playing the demo.
How to fix Windows 8: Install Windows 7 instead.
I know what the fucking mask is...stupid. I lived in Japan for well over a decade. Unfortunately that doesn't match the original outfits for most of the games; it's just someone trying to be "smart" about Japanese culture by slapping that on there when it doesn't match. I don't know too many NINJAS who wore SAMURAI…
Why does everyone fuck up Raiden? I want the original Raiden with the hat and glowing eyes; tired of it being some wise dude.
Why is there something with N64 or GameCube looking ports above it?
Yeah, I'm burned out of bro shooters, and games where you just shoot the fuck out of everything in sight, and huge massive set pieces. A few years ago, I never thought I'd find guns and explosions boring in gaming...but here we are.
Super Mario 3D Land is absolutely one of the best Mario games ever made. I'll be sad if they never release a sequel to this. It needs one bad. NSMB2 was good, but not as great as SM3DL. I've actually been doing my 2nd run through the game as of last week, and it's still fantastic. The first time I played was last…
IF you've ever done the transition to DSiXL over the DS, it's about as fantastic as that. I couldn't go back to any other DS once I went XL. Same goes for the's a vast improvement all around; and not just screens. The face of the system and the face buttons (Home, Start Select) are improved drastically. If…