With giant exploded heads; I'm just taking guess they're brainless.
With giant exploded heads; I'm just taking guess they're brainless.
I know about that shit, but even if they're "natural" zombies; I'm still sick of zombies, because they're a cheap cop-out for brainless enemies.
Awwww maaaaan. Zombies? Ugh. I was hoping for a gritty realism of the post-apocalypse with infected being real people like lepers, and the main villains being roving gangs. I'm tired of zombies.
Well, at least Batman has the right voice... can't say anything else about this has me interested.
Looks like oldschool rotoscoping. I like it, but it NEEDS sound. :(
Maybe that's because people don't buy consoles at the supermarket...they usually buy food there.
This already exists. It's called watching someone else be good at the game on YouTube, because you suck at life.
I had something like this happen back when I lived in Georgia. Fucking roaches decided to make my stack of NES games their home. They moved in to the cart slots like they were a roach condo.
Mmmmm, I loves me some Pop'N...so much that I bought the arcade controller when I lived in Japan.
This list sucks. It should start with:
Well that was unexpected.
$8,596,474 and an entire company comprised of people who have worked in the industry for years, who have been building a "console" prototype for years isn't the same thing?
Are you telling me the Ouya got no media coverage?? HAHAHAHAHA! That's a laugh. It got so much goddamn coverage before the shit even made it's goal that...I would say that helped sales considerably. I love how everyone likes to say this is some massive success all by its own merit, but it has been covered out the…
And by your measure, it also plays outdated games with outdated graphics too.
OH, so because you're a company of nobodies you automatically get a positive bypass to success?