Rakugaki Showtime

I'm not sure if I'm happy that they're putting DQ7 on top of that junky DQ9 engine.

She uses "they" a lot in reference to men, and in a vague enough way that it sounds to me like "all men". Honestly, my eyes couldn't stop rolling after about the 2:00 mark in that video. And she can show the one picture of her with an SNES controller back in the early 90's, but after watching her talk for 10

See, Hollywood execs; it's not that hard.

I have a question: Why do all Street Fighter fan films always take place in the forest? Shouldn't at least one of them take place...in the...streets?

Godde has a bitchen moustache.

That hasn't been my experience, and sometimes I have to patch after an update of the firmware as well. And then you have multiple patches for each individual game that are rather frequent. Nintendo's update history from the Wii shows that they update shit wayyyyy less frequently, so sitting through one big one seems

Yeah, I noticed that too...

So, the only really legitimate issues are that people are impatient because 15 whole seconds seems like forever, the battery life on the pad is a little short, and the only real big issue is the lengthy firmware updates... which one could argue is similar to the 360's.


I'm also pretty sure the Wii U isn't targeted towards casual gamers either. Nintendo may have kept the Wii compatibility and name to attract those who don't think past the Apple on the box (or in this case, the "Wii"), but I'm pretty sure this was Nintendo's outreach back to the 'hardcore' gamers.

These people are totally Apple brainwashed. They shit on how 'big' the Wii U controller is, but then they all seem to nod and agree when the one guy says the iPad felt so light and shit...like an iPad is somehow smaller. Hell, even the iPad Mini is almost the same size as the U controller.

Mewwwwwww, it's not quite iPaddy enough. It would be soooo much better with an Apple logo on it.

The 'Hates' seem pretty trivial to me...which is good to hear because if that's all you've got to bitch about, then it sounds like I made a wise purchase.

I'm sorry, but Gears 3 was crap; probably the worst of the three. Gears 2 was by far the best of the set. Also, Arkham Asylum was better than City, IMO...not saying City was bad, but the first was better.

Orange you glad he didn't use a banana?!

I'm pretty sure most Xbox 360s didn't come with sufficiently large drives for quite some time, so I fail to see how Nintendo's strategy is any diff— oh wait, they let you use whatever external drive you want as opposed to forcing you to buy a proprietary drive.

Wouldn't that be something like Lost in Shadow?

Yeah, definitely the most awesome one.

But at least if they can prove this is accurate enough, you can rest assured that you should be able to tell people to put you out of your misery too, rather than rot in your mind prison for decades.