Those are some pretty sweet 70's pedo double-bridgers! I swear this looks like an HD look into another decade.
Those are some pretty sweet 70's pedo double-bridgers! I swear this looks like an HD look into another decade.
GGRrrrrrrAAGghghhgg!!! I just want to fuck a man so bad now!!! In the name of satan!!!
I kept expecting to see a "SPONSORED" icon in the article since they're shitting their pants over something that looks and sounds very uninteresting, and I loves me some Zelda.
I guess, but it still looks like Microsoft Paint quality to me. Just because Braid worked out for him doesn't mean this dude's art works anywhere else.
Please explain to me what part of this book is great-looking...
I'm willing to take a bet that the "uncontrolled Iron Man suit" is probably the film's version of an early Ultimo.
I was actually a bit disappointed to find out it wasn't him when I watched the trailer.
Definitely. It was pretty uninteresting to me, but I imagine with some Stinkfist playing over it, it might have been different.
I spit water all over my screen when dude started the PEW PEW thing.
I'm completely baffled at how anyone could possibly dislike The Neverending Story...
Don't lie. Denying it only makes my erection harder.
My real name is Reginald T Barnes.
Your real name is Shepherd Remus, isn't it?
Balloq's staff is too long.
Matt Damon is also a secret immortal vampire.
Let me get this straight: a suit named HAL made by Cyberdine Systems...and next you're going to tell me the CEO is Albert Wesker.
Personally, I loved both GB1 and GB2 almost equally. Yes, GB2 was slightly less appealing, but IMO still very good...
I don't know...something about these makes me want to buy the cereal even more.
Color me uninterested.
Was it just me or did this list get progressively less interesting?