Rakugaki Showtime


You can't go wrong with 500% more Nintendo in it.

I never said I liked or owned the Kinect. Personally, I own both a 360 and PS3 and I'm a fanboy of neither company. I hated the XB1 and I don't like the PS3 aside from being a bluray player and having like 4 exclusive games. I've found the 360 to be superior in every way except for hardware reliability...but if I'm

That's nice and all, but RPGs have all but dried up in the past 10 years, unfortunately. It's sad because I miss the days of the PS1 and the flood of great titles it had before the RPG trend started to fade.

I'm pretty sure the Resident Evil movies have been this way since part 3, and to some extent, even part 2. I think the goal with these films is to purposely make each one worse than the last and see how long the running joke can go before people stop paying to see them...but for some reason people keep paying to see

I can't stop laughing at the first picture. It looks like it's ripe for photoshop.

So, it's not a haunted house; it's haunted children IN a house? Count me out.

The ending was about the only good part of the movie.

I'm pretty sure this comparison was debunked months ago. The "PS3" shot is actually a super hi-res PC shot, and not actually a PS3 shot.

I generally like Nintendo, but that's a pretty shitty answer considering the US were the ones bitching about wanting a 2nd (or fourth) controller in the first fucking place. Why is that a shit answer? Because it's a rock and hard place kind of shit answer: without the 2nd controller on the market, who the fuck is

OH MOTHERFUCKSHIT!! They're putting Dragon Quest 5 on the SNES?! I HAVE TO BUY A NEW CONSOLE?! WTF GUYS?!

I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.

Yes, because I have tons of faith in Sony after the PS3 fiasco... no thanks. It'll be Nintendo primarily for me until I see if MS will continue to impress. Sony needs to re-prove themselves before I waste hundreds of dollars on their stuff again.

2D Mario games really are a wonderful thing, and I love how they're evolving powerups and gameplay and all, but the 4000000 pound elephant in the room that seriously needs to be addressed in the "New" SMB series is the over-abundance of extra lives. Bring back punishment to the SMB series.

Oh, I must have missed that announcement.

I'm a slight bit disappointed in the amount of drive space in the deluxe version. 32GB is way too small, and if they plan on expanding, it better work better than the SD thing on the Wii.

I absolutely abhor the static-image / moving comic cinematics. The only time I ever found it somewhat acceptable was in the Twisted Metal series. Every other time, it just feels like a cheap cop out.

Imaging what kind of horrible shit we've been covering up over the past 40 years. I wonder if I'll live to know the truths about shit that went down during my lifetime.

Yeah, I'm not particularly a huge Lobo fan or avid reader, but I do know bits and pieces about him and his books, and even I know that his movie shouldn't take place on Earth. Sounds pretty lame....

Now playing

It looks like 4-player Vindicators to me...