Rakugaki Showtime

I don't understand all the pants-shitting going on over the slenderman thing. The original handful of photos were interesting but I guess I just don't get all of the supplemental junk and why everyone is so freaked about it. Like that marble hornets thing, and this game; none of it is freaky at all to me. It just

Any love for Earth: Final Conflict?

Sword guy shoots first.

Yeah, that's all good and great, but can they find 4 other robots in various colors and combine to form something to defend the universe?

I literally just typed the following up before I saw your comment:

Well, that and the text placement/fonts are all the same.

Why does that box art look like Metal Gear Solid to me?

Chicken and egg, man.

Super Duper!

I still think companies and big name devs and shit need to stay off kickstarter or start their own crowdfunding site(s). It's pretty shitty of well known people and companies to show up and drop their cut-rate project that their corporate leads wouldn't fund, and steal what little thunder industry nobodies had at

Feel free to assist.

I actually created a similar rating back in 2005 called SUDR (Software Usability and Difficulty Ratings) which was a number based system that rated the usability of the software (games or applications) based on levels 0-5, with all levels color coded for so they're easily differentiated. Level 0 being "Pick-up and

To where am I sending the email?

To be fair, it was 9 minutes of in-game cinematics, 1 minute of gameplay, and 1 minute of credits.

Not digital...I'm talking super crazy limited edition special box kind of stuff.

How do I sent promotional materials to Kotaku (or any other Gawker network site for that matter)?

I'm pretty sure chimps are total dicks.

Humans seriously had to be the least likely to survive to be the most dominant species. I mean, the odds are just insane. It's not like we have litters of babies either where every year we have great odds.

I don't know of any other creature on the planet that squeals incessantly immediately after birth and continually through infancy.

Paxton is the only person to be killed in each of the Terminator, Aliens, and Predator series.