Rakugaki Showtime

I've always wondered how the fuck humans have lasted so long considering the uselessness of babies. I mean, the mortality rate 1000s of years ago must have been insane. And how the fuck did they not get eaten all the time by predators heeding to the constantly screeching call of baby meat?

Yeah, but that's all he's good for is being the shifty, untrustable, whiny-voiced creep. I can't stand the guy...

I'm all for 8-bit and 16-bit RPGs, but yeah, do something of your own instead of trying to make a poor joke about the culture.

Braindead? I think you mean Dead Alive.

I too am sick of these "parody" style wannabe old school RPGs. Penny Arcade's Rain Slick 3 was one thing, but most of these other ones fail to impress. I'd rather play something that isn't trying too hard to be self-aware like Pier Solar.

Also, a NSFW warning would have been nice due to naked lady parts.

I hate Giovanni Ribisi. Something about him annoys me to no end...

Sir, I, for one, am wholeheartedly shocked and baffled that this masterpiece did not make it immediately to print, in all mediums. SHOCKED, GOOD SIR!

I don't know what it is, and I can't put my finger on it, but something looks terribly unfun about it... and it's not the fact that it's oldschool looking.

GameStop has taken easy over-the-counter used game sales and turned it into car sales...and part of me thinks that we the gamers basically let it happen.

I think these statements fit snuggly into the "No shit Sherlock" category.

Hardly. The difference being that anything remade/rebooted from a masterpiece original is destined to be less good (usually WAY less), whereas a reboot from something that technically never should have existed due to being complete crap has a much better chance of success simply by the fact that the original was so

Wasn't this already posted a few months ago?

The reasons why Robocop will fail are the same reasons why Total Recall did.

I thought Iron Sky was pretty good except for a short part that was overly political in the middle...I liked everything else.

Where's my article?

This dude is the hugest douche ever...and why do I get the feeling he's an isolated goober what comes from a family of money who is doing this for attention, and he's only a "Muslim" because he thought it would be cool?

Anyone who didn't see this coming from day 1 must have been blinded by a $99 price tag...I imagine we'll be seeing something similar in the near future with Ouya if it actually ever makes it past the Phantom stage.

Because everything that seems old to the Xbox Generation is considered "8-bit"...kind of like back in the late 80's every game was "Nintendo".

This was a complete waste of time.