Rakugaki Showtime

Yeah, but that was in the wake of about 10 other horrible mistakes...that's kind of what I'm saying. They fuck up with the 32X, then the Saturn, somehow pulled the DC out of nowhere but jump ship abandon that after a little over a year, and then concentrate on making everything that made Sega 1st party software good

That's the most crap thing about all digital "official" forms of MTG; forced decks and no card selection.

It's more than just console extensions and failures I'm referring to...it's like Sega had gone straight up retarded on their games after the Saturn too, and that continues to this day with horrible software releases. Smart decisions on the part of Sega seem to be a thing of the past.

I knew there was somthing they chucked in there last minute in response to Sony.

If I recall correctly, it wasn't that the system itself that was rushed to the market, it's that it was meant to be a dedicated 2D system that blew 2D out of the water, then Sega caught wind of the 3D capabilities of the PS1 and rushed to slap in a 3D capability that was hard as shit to code for, and didn't

"Compelling audio based gameplay" = the graphics suck so we're gonna focus on the audio.

Has nothing to do with defending Nintendo; has everything to do with lack of credibility based on two things: A. complete speculation. B. There is no hardware yet available to anyone, even devs, for the next MS/Sony consoles...and even if there were, it is impossible that they're capable of running anything more

Fucking damnit! Dragon Quest has gotten far too popular lately...it used to be a manageable popularity where I could afford to buy everything DW/DQ related, but as of DQ8, it really blew up and SQEX have gone on an insane bender of DQ product blasting that I just can't keep up with. I mean, I own 99% of all things

This article is complete shit. It's a wall of text all based off of ONE DUDE'S ASSESSMENT of the console, and suddenly that seems to make it legit. So, there we have it, one guy claims that the WiiU won't be able to hold up to the PS4/X720 (consoles that don't even exist in demo form yet, mind you) within 2 years of

So, if I haven't played the game yet and I buy it, I assume this doesn't affect me because I don't have a save.

Yeah, it definitely doesn't strike me that "ho-hum" is coming out of his mouth so much as "hummina hummina".

I guess you haven't been playing many PS3/360 games lately, because aside from the awkwardness of lips/eyes/body movements, graphically, we're PRETTY CLOSE to photorealism. And technology like that used in LA Noir shows that facially we can produce realism, it's just a lack of backend power to process everything

Personally, I think it looks current-gen. I don't think there's going to be a major difference between current a next-gen in terms of graphics. We're already pretty close to photorealism as it stands. Sure, next gen will be able to process it more efficiently, but really, looking at some of the stuff coming out

I want a DS that looks like the original DS model. I still think it looks badass.

Unless you live in Australia where it's Pizza Hut. Look it up.

Psh! Demolition Man was out there predicting the future long before Minority Report.

He wants more life...fucker.

It's not limited anymore. I think it's just regional now. When I lived in SC, they had none at all, now that I'm in CO, it's everywhere. Same with the Pepsi Throwback. Apparently, they limit these things regionally. I remember when Oops came out back in like 1994 for a limited time.

I believe it's spelled: "Giiv deeze peepol eah"

Wolverine doesn't seem pleased with the idea.