Rakugaki Showtime

I don't find "found footage" stuff scary at all...mostly I just get frustrated, which I think many people mistake for fear or "scary"...people also seem to mistake creepy with horror/scary.

I can't believe you left out Oops! All Berries. It's everything great about Cap'N Crunch without all the BS.

I fail to see the difference between this and Adele...and I don't like her music either.

Very annoying.

Wow, be careful with all that whole being sensible thing...it might spread.

Am I the only one who wishes they'd stop this MMO madness and make a regular old Phantasy Star game? I mean, I loved me some PSO, but I would rather see a PS5 be made to be honest....same goes for Shining Force going back from being an action game and back to a Strategy RPG.

...but...but if not for E3 this year, we wouldn't have been given the honor of a 3-hour stumbling reveal of Wonderbook.

Clearly, everything would have been vastly improved if filmed in a controlled studio surrounded by 360 degrees of green screen.

lol, it took me a second to realize that one too.

I'm sure it's much easier on the wallet to get them in all of SE Asia.

The shipping alone on those pods is probably keeping that from ever happening.

I think that the Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield arcade was the best giant mech shooter I've ever played.

Sneaky fucking Russians...

In all reality, they're only there to tell you about their game, and not paid to shill Microsoft's retarded ideas that have nothing to do with gaming, or the South Park game for that matter.

We're in some real pretty shit now, man.

Two things:

If I'm not mistaken, weren't used game sales banned in Japan for a while there? I seem to remember that ban being lifted only a few years ago...

Psh. No. Everyone knows America is reserved just for white people who were born in 'Merica, and who aren't Muslim socialists. The last part being the most important.

I'm arguing for the sake of being COMPLETELY right.