Rakugaki Showtime

lol, you said "meat".

Hell Comes to Frogtown, starring Rowdy Roddy Piper.

It's pretty clearly stated that, outside of PC, nothing has been confirmed or reported to run UE4. This is non-news, Nintendo trolling.

Heart of the Alien was fucking amazing. I wish more games like Out of This World, and Flashback were being made. The closest thing we've had in years was Rocketbirds.

Your point? Out of This World (aka Another World) and Prince of Persia were much more action-based than Flashback. Sure, there was the occasional shooting, but OOTW relied heavily on the run and gun while PoP was largely swordfighting. So, yes, this game definitely resembles OOTW much more than Flashback. I can

Actually, maybe I'm thinking CD-i, lol/

This reminds me less of a Bakshi work and more of a Sega CD game, or mayyyybe something like the cinematics of Flashback on SNES/Gen....but yeah, Sega CD.

Maybe you need to go play Flashback again.

Why does Splinter look like a terrier instead of a rat?

Nah. More like Walking Dead meets Shadow Complex. Flashback was always more about exploration and mystery than action.

So, now even video games are doing trailers for trailers? Ugh.

You heard it here first, before E3: Colonial Marines, November release date as a launch title for Wii U. Exclusivity lasts until February 12, 2013 as announced prior for PS3/360.

It's not that at all. They just throw literal "OK!"s into sentences all the time. It'll be a bunch of Japanese, then out of nowhere "OK!!!", especially with their advertising.

I love Japan and all, but even after living there for 10 years, I never understood their obsession with saying "OK!" all the time.

You've obviously never seen Japan.

It's worth a watch, but DO NOT go into this thinking it's going to be guns blazing and fast driving like most of the world did, including me. It's a very slow and plodding DRAMA. Yes, there's a good portion of violence in it for a short period, but it is definitely not this amazing film people make it out to be.

I believe you're thinking of Captain N: The Game Master

The fact that you put Alien 3 on the Bad list, and then proceeded to list PA3 and the abortion leftovers of an abomination, Hellraiser 3, on the Good list shows that you have no credibility.

No, you are not. I actually just watched it again on blu-ray last night and it's excellent and completely as worthy as the first two were. I don't know where people get this idea that it was not good...I can see shitting on 4, but other than some questionable special effects (by today's standards) and a slightly

Yeah, well it's a travesty that you're not saying "Now I might have to go grab my Willow Blu-Ray".